Sheldon „Shelly“ MANNE (* 11-an de junio 1920 en Novjorko, Novjorkio; † 26-an de septembro 1984 en Los-Anĝeleso) estis usona frapinstrumentisto, bandestro kaj komponisto de svingo kaj de okcidentmarborda ĵazo.

Shelly Manne
Shelly Manne, proks. Decembron de 1946. Foto de William P. Gottlieb.
Shelly Manne, proks. Decembron de 1946.
Foto de William P. Gottlieb.
Persona informo
Naskonomo Sheldon Manne
Naskiĝo 11-an de junio 1920 (1920-06-11)
en Nov-Jorko
Morto 26-an de septembro 1984 (1984-09-26) (64-jaraĝa)
en Los-Anĝeleso
Mortokialo Korinfarkto Redakti la valoron en Wikidata
Tombo Forest Lawn Memorial Park (en) Traduki Redakti la valoron en Wikidata
Ŝtataneco Usono Redakti la valoron en Wikidata
Patro Max Manne (en) Traduki Redakti la valoron en Wikidata
Okupo komponisto
jazz drummer (en) Traduki
diskografa artisto Redakti la valoron en Wikidata


  • Shelly Manne, Jimmy Giuffre, Shorty Rogers, Bill Russo, Deep People (1951-1952, Savoy)
  • Shelly Manne & His Men, The West Coast Sound (1953-55, Contemporary Records)
  • Shelly Manne & His Men, Swinging Sounds (1956, Contemporary)
  • Shelly Manne & His Men, More Swinging Sounds (1956, Contemporary)
  • Shelly Manne, My Fair Lady (1956 Contemporary)
  • Shelly Manne, Li'l Abner (1957 Contemporary)
  • Shelly Manne & Friends, Bells are Ringing (1958, Contemporary)
  • Shelly Manne & His Men, The Gambit (1958, Contemporary)
  • Shelly Manne & His Men at The Black Hawk (5 CDs, 1959, Contemporary)
  • Shelly Manne & His Men, Shelly Manne & His Men Play Peter Gunn (1959, Contemporary)
  • Shelly Manne & His Men, At The Manne Hole (2 CDs, 1961, Contemporary)
  • Shelly Manne, Steps to the Desert (1962, Contemporary)
  • Shelly Manne, 2-3-4 (1962, Impulse!)
  • Shelly Manne & His Men, Boss Sounds! (1966, Atlantic)
  • Shelly Manne, Daktari (1967, Contemporary)
  • Shelly Manne, Perk Up (1967; publikigita en 1977, Concord)
  • Shelly Manne, Double Piano Jazz Concert at Carmelo's (2 CDs, 1980, Trend)


  • Brand, Jack. Shelly Manne: Sounds of the Different Drummer (Percussion Express, 1997)
  • Gioia, Ted. West Coast Jazz: Modern Jazz in California 1945-1960 (Oxford University Press, 1992)
  • Gordon, Robert. Jazz West Coast: The Los Angeles Jazz Scene of the 1950s (Quartet Books, 1986)
  • Strain, James. „Shelly Manne“ (Retpaĝo de Percussive Arts Society [1])