Wolbachia: Malsamoj inter versioj

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e roboto aldono de: id:Wolbachia
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Linio 26:
* Langworthy NG et al. 2000. Macrofilaricidal activity of tetracycline against the filarial nematode Onchocerca ochengi: elimination of Wolbachia precedes worm death and suggests a dependent relationship. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Series B, 267, 1063-1069.
* O’Neil S, Hoffmann AA, Werren JH 1997. Influential Passengers: Inherited Microorganisms and Arthropod Reproduction. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
* [http://www.szakkonyvbookline.hu/portalproduct/home.aspxaction?/portal.aspx/product/show/d9ed6ef9-aa9c-4bfa-bd49-09e2544e557did=26350&type=22 Rózsa L 2005. Élősködés: az állati és emberi fejlődés motorja. Medicina, Budapest. p. 318.]
* Schilthuizen M, Stouthamer R 1997. Horizontal transmission of parthenogenesis-inducing microbes in wasps. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Series B, 264, 361-366.