Modulo:InfoboxImage: Malsamoj inter versioj

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Linio 1:
-- InfoboxImage, 2015112120151209
-- Inputs:
-- image - Can either be a bare filename (with or without the File:/Image: prefix) or a fully formatted image link
Linio 146:
-- only use this code, if the image comes from Wikidata
if image ~= "" and image ~= nil and wd == "yes" then
-- strings = mw.text.split(image, ",", plain)
strings = mw.text.split(image, ";;;", plain) -- in the relating template is now used the module Wikidata
n = #strings -- number of images
cap = mw.text.split(caption,";;;", plain) -- ;; could appear in a caption, if before ; is an entity eg. ĝ