Diskuto:Gloraj virinoj

GM Judit Polgar, Chess Goddess


Judith Polgar, a Chess Goddess! Is there anything that has NOT been written about this lovely Grand Master? She is the number one Chess Goddess of our modern age.

Judit does not play in "women only" tournaments but competes directly and successfully in both open and invitational tournaments that are overwhelmingly populated by male players. Her style as a player can be characterized as aggressive; she rarely shrinks from breathtaking sacrificial attacks or head-to-head battles. On the other hand, her sunny and gentle personality revealed in her lovely smile. Judit is a true chess goddess and is an outstanding role model for females and chess lovers - of every age - every where.

Starting with the 2000 season, Chess Goddesses presents tournament and play results, along with Judit's games in PGN format, all in one convenient place. Some of the pages may be slow loading because I have included pictures from her tournaments where I could find them.

Dave Hardenbrook has started an e-groups discussion about Judit and women in chess. Please join us at JuditPolgar@egroups.com.

Biography and Achievements:

Judit was born on July 23, 1976 in Hungary; she achieved Grandmaster status at age fifteen. Much has been written about Judit's formative years; I won't repeat those facts here. Both of Judit's older sisters (Suzusa and Sofia) are married, with Suzusa settled in New York, the mother of two sons, and Sofia living in Israel and a new mother herself - at least, according to Sam Sloan.

Judit evidently married her beau of the last few years, Gustav Fonts, a veterinarian, sometime before the Najdorf Super Tournament in 2000 (see comments below), breaking the hearts of untold chess hommes around the world! The question of the hour is whether Judit will continue to pursue her chess career with the same degree of intensity as before her marriage, or will she settle into domesticity and motherhood, as so many other Chess Goddesses have before her?

A few of Judit's more recent achievements include:

Winning the U.S. Open in 1998, the first woman to ever do so  
Defeating Anatoly Karpov in an eight-game exhibition in Budapest, Hungary in 1998  
Reaching the quarter-finals in the 1999 FIDE World Chess Championship in August, 1999, out of an original field of over 100 players from all over the world  
Winning back to back tournaments in Bali, Indonesia and Malmo, Sweden in April-May, 2000; her win in Bali was against a field that included two World Chess Champions and was, according to the commentators, the strongest performance yet by a woman 
Winning the Najdorf 2000 Super Tournament 
Scoring 10/13 at the 34th Olympiad playing 3rd board on the Hungarian Men's Team in October, 2000



Iu povus traduki tiun krokodilaĵon bonvole?



Gloraj virinoj ŝajnas al mi tro neneŭtrala! Pli bone estus Famaj, ĉu ne? Alie, se virinoj vere ne estas malpli inteligentaj aŭ kapablaj, kiel atenti pri ili estis virinoj, ne simple gloraj HOMOJ? Roberto

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