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Quistnix (diskuto | kontribuoj)
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Linio 3:
* Halló Quistnix! Thanks for fixing interwikiconflict's. Best regards [[Vikipediisto:Gangleri|Gangleri]] | [{{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{ns:User_Talk}}:Gangleri|action=history}} Dh] | [[{{ns:User_Talk}}:Gangleri|D]] 17:02, 20. Mar 2005 (UTC)
:Hello Gangleri! Hope it was ok for me to run my interwikibot here to fix the interwikis for all years in the 1st century BC -- [[Vikipediisto:Quistnix|Quistnix]] 18:01, 20. Mar 2005 (UTC)