Eric Campbell: Malsamoj inter versioj

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Nova paĝo kun '{{Informkesto homo}} '''Alfred Eric Campbell''' (26a de Aprilo 1879 – 20a de Decembro 1917), estis brita aktoro. Li estis ŝlosila membro de la kina truparo de Charlie Ch...'
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Campbell iris al Novjorko en [[1914]], kun Chaplin kaj lia tiam anstataŭanto [[Stan Laurel]], kiu jam iris tien en 1913. Campbell tuj setliĝis en Usono kiel aktoro de [[teatro]]. En 1916 Chaplin, en Novjorko subskribonta kontrakton kun [[Mutual]], vidis Campbell en teatraĵo de [[Brodvejo]]. Subsequently, Chaplin invited him to Hollywood to join the cast of actors for the 12 Mutual films Chaplin had contracted to make.
Campbell's first film with Chaplin was The Floorwalker (1916). In it he achieved recognition for the "escalator scene", in which he chased Chaplin through a department store. It was in their second film together, The Fireman (1916), that Campbell developed the role which featured in all his work with Chaplin. A tall man towering 6 ft. 5 in.(1.96 m.) and weighing almost 300 pounds (136 kg), he became the bully and comic foil to the Little Tramp's antics. His best role is probably in Easy Street (1917), in which, as a brutal bully, he bends a cast-iron street lamp standard to a right angle to intimidate the policeman played by Chaplin.