Aleksej Pleŝĉejev: Malsamoj inter versioj

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{{Informkesto homo}}
'''Aleksej Nikolajeviĉ Pleŝĉejev''' (en [[rusa]]: Алексе́й Никола́евич Плеще́ев; 4a de decembro [malnovstile 22a de novembro] 1825 – 8a de oktobro 1893) estis radikala rusa poeto de la 19a jarcento, iama membro de la Petraŝevskia Cirklo.
Pleshcheyev's first book of poetry, published in 1846, made him famous: "Step forward! Without fear or doubt..." became widely known as "a Russian La Marseillaise" (and was sung as such, using French melody), "Friends' calling..." and "We're brothers by the way we feel..." were also adopted by the mid-1840s' Russian radical youth as revolutionary hymns.[1][2]
La unua poemaro de Pleŝĉejev, publikigita en 1846, famigis lin: "Antaŭen! Sentime kaj sendube..." igis ĝin konata kiel "rusa [[Marseljezo]]" (kaj tiel ĝi estis kantata, uzante la francan melodio), "alvoko de amikoj..." kaj "Ni estas fratoj kiel ni sentas nin..." estis ankaŭ adoptita de la rusa radikala junularo de la mezo de la 1840-aj jaroj kiel revoluciaj himnoj.<ref name="ruscenter">{{cite web|author= |year=2000 |url= |title=Russian Writers and Poets. Brief Biographical Dictionary (Русские писатели и поэты. Краткий биографический словарь. Moscow. | |accessdate=2010-03-22 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=23a de novembro 2010 }}</ref><ref name="krugosvet">{{cite web | author =| date = | url=| title = Pleshcheev, Alexay Nikolayevich| publisher = The Krugosvet (Around the World) encyclopedia| accessdate= 2016-08-19}}</ref>
In 1849, as a member of Petrashevsky Circle, Pleshcheyev was arrested, sent (alongside Fyodor Dostoyevsky among others) to Saint Petersburg and spent 8 months in Peter and Paul Fortress. Having initially been given a death sentence, Pleshcheyev was then deported to Uralsk, near Orenburg where he spent ten years in exile, serving first as a soldier, later as a junior officer.
In his latter life Pleshcheyev became widely known for his numerous translations (mostly from English and French) and also poems for children, some of which are now considered classic. Many of Pleshcheyev's poems have been set to music (by Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff among others) to become popular Russian romances.[2]<ref name="krugosvet"/>