
IDS_INTRO1_1 Dum la suno hele flamis en la ĉielo, IDS_INTRO1_2 La dezerto etendiĝanta malantaŭ mi, IDS_INTRO1_3 Post kiam mi rekontrolis mian mapon, IDS_INTRO1_4 Kun lipoj fenditaj kaj kovritaj de sablo, IDS_INTRO1_5 La sorto gvidanta ĉiun ajn agon mian, IDS_INTRO1_6 Metante la paliĝintan foton en mian poŝon, IDS_INTRO1_7 Rememorante la lastajn vortojn de mia patro, IDS_INTRO1_8 Mia memoro glitante for de mi, IDS_INTRO2_1 mi kuraĝe paŝis al mia destino, IDS_INTRO2_2 mi premis la vipon ĉe mia flanko, IDS_INTRO2_3 mi eltrinkis la reston el mia platbotelo, IDS_INTRO2_4 mi ekvidis la enirejon de la groto, IDS_INTRO2_5 mi sulkis mian frunton, IDS_INTRO2_6 mi pagis mian Beduenan gvidiston, IDS_INTRO2_7 mi dekameliĝis, IDS_INTRO2_8 mi fikse rigardis en la mallumon, IDS_INTRO3_1 kaj unu lastan fojon mi pensis pri ŝi. IDS_INTRO3_2 kaj tenis mian ĉapelon kontraŭ la vento. IDS_INTRO3_3 !!And a cold chill took hold of me. IDS_INTRO3_4 kaj demandis min, kiom longe mi estos subtere. IDS_INTRO3_5 kaj ĵuris reveni venkinte. IDS_INTRO3_6 kaj preskaŭ certis, ke mi aŭdis voĉojn antaŭ mi. IDS_INTRO3_7 kaj sentis, ke la dioj ridetis al mi. IDS_INTRO3_8 kaj tiam ĉio komenciĝis. IDS_TITLEGUIDE Premu @A por komenci. IDS_BACK ??@B Reen IDS_MAINMENU_PLAYGAME Komenci ludon IDS_MAINMENU_ADVENTURE Aventuro IDS_MAINMENU_DEATHMATCH ??Mortomatĉo IDS_MAINMENU_PLAYERPROFILE ??Statistiko pri la ludanto IDS_MAINMENU_LEADERBOARDS !!Leaderboards IDS_MAINMENU_ACHIEVEMENTS Atingaĵoj IDS_MAINMENU_HELPANDOPTIONS Helpilo kaj agordoj IDS_MAINMENU_UNLOCK ??Malŝlosi la tutan ludon IDS_MAINMENU_RETURN Ĉefa menuo IDS_MAINMENU_ADVENTUREDESC Komencu aventuron por serĉi la legendan trezoron de Olmeko! Iru sole aŭ kun amikoj. IDS_MAINMENU_DEATHMATCHDESC Havu mortdanĝeran konkurson por eltrovi, kiu el vi estas la plej lerta aventuristo. IDS_PAUSED_RESUME Daŭrigi la ludon IDS_PAUSED_RESTART Restarti la ludon IDS_PAUSED_EXIT Eliri la ludon IDS_HOWTOPLAY1_1 Komence de la ludo vi havas kvar korojn da vivo. Se via vivo elĉerpiĝas, via ekspedicio finiĝas. IDS_HOWTOPLAY1_2 Per ŝnuroj vi povas atingi altajn lokojn kaj sendanĝere malsupreniri en kavojn. Premu @Y por ĵeti ŝnuron. IDS_HOWTOPLAY1_3 ??Per bomboj vi povas foreksplodigi la murojn. Premu @B por ĵeti bombon... sed estu singarda! IDS_HOWTOPLAY1_4 Via vipo estas via plej bona defendo kontraŭ monstroj, kiuj loĝas en la grotoj. Premu @X por ataki per ĝi. IDS_HOWTOPLAY2_1 Lignaj kestoj troviĝas ĉie en la grotoj. Vipu ilin por ene trovi provizojn, kiuj helpos vin dum via aventuro. IDS_HOWTOPLAY2_2 Ŝnuroj kaj bomboj estas la plej oftaj objektoj, kiuj troveblas en kestoj. Sed se vi bonŝancas, eble vi trovos pli bonajn aĵon! IDS_HOWTOPLAY2_3 Trezurkofroj estas plenaj de valoraj gemoj! La plejmulto el ili havas malfortan seruron, kiu malfermeblas per vipfrapo. IDS_HOWTOPLAY2_4 La kvanto de viaj poentoj dependas de kiom da valoraĵoj vi kolektis. Amasigu grandan stakon da oro kaj gemoj! IDS_HOWTOPLAY3_1 Jen butikisto. Ĉiajn objektojn aĉeteblas ĉe lia butiko, sed atentu ne kolerigi lin. IDS_HOWTOPLAY3_2 ??Aĉeteblaj objektoj havas dolar-signon super si. Kelkaj butikoj vendas armilojn, kiel tiu ĉi hajlofusilo(?). IDS_HOWTOPLAY3_3 Per valoraĵoj vi povas aĉeti objektojn en la butikoj. Elpezu ilin saĝe! IDS_HOWTOPLAY3_4 Butikoj fojfoje provizas ankaŭ diversajn aliajn utilajn ilojn. Tiu ĉi kompaso, ekzemple, indikas al vi la direkton al la elirejo. IDS_HOWTOPLAY4_1 !!At the bottom of each level is an exit to deeper parts of the caves. That's your goal! IDS_HOWTOPLAY4_2 !!Lovely damsels have gotten trapped down here. If you bring them safely to the exits they'll reward you with health. IDS_HOWTOPLAY4_3 !!You can also bring these golden idols to the exits for big money rewards. They're usually guarded by deadly traps. IDS_HOWTOPLAY4_4 !!That covers the basics, but there's so much more to discover once you start playing! Have fun! IDS_JOURNAL Ĵurnalo IDS_JOURNAL_PLACES Lokoj IDS_JOURNAL_MONSTERS Monstroj IDS_JOURNAL_ITEMS Objektoj IDS_JOURNAL_TRAPS Insidoj IDS_VERIFY_AREYOUSURE Ĉu vi certas? IDS_VERIFY_NO Ne IDS_VERIFY_YES Jes IDS_LEADERBOARDS_HIGHSCORES POENTREKORDOJ IDS_LEADERBOARDS_FASTESTTIMES PLEJ RAPIDAJ TEMPOJ IDS_LEADERBOARDS_WEEKLYSCORES ĈIUSEMAJNA POENTARO IDS_LEADERBOARDS_WEEKLYTIMES ĈIUSEMAJNAJ TEMPOJ IDS_LEADERBOARDS_INVALID !!INVALID BOARD IDS_LEADERBOARDS_RANK RANGO IDS_LEADERBOARDS_GAMERTAG !!GAMERTAG IDS_LEADERBOARDS_CHARACTER ROLULO IDS_LEADERBOARDS_LEVEL NIVELO IDS_LEADERBOARDS_SCORE POENTOJ IDS_LEADERBOARDS_FRIENDS Amikoj IDS_LEADERBOARDS_MYSCORES Mia poentaro IDS_LEADERBOARDS_OVERALL ??Ĝenerale IDS_LEADERBOARDS_READING !!Reading leaderboards... IDS_LEADERBOARDS_FRIENDSNOTRANKED !!Your friends are not yet ranked on this leaderboard. IDS_LEADERBOARDS_NOTRANKED !!You are not yet ranked on this leaderboard. IDS_PLAYERPROFILE_LASTGAMEPLAYED ??Pasinta ludo IDS_PLAYERPROFILE_PLAYS ??Traludoj: IDS_PLAYERPROFILE_DEATHS Mortoj: IDS_PLAYERPROFILE_WINS Venkoj: IDS_PLAYERPROFILE_AVGSCORE Averaĝa poentsumo: IDS_PLAYERPROFILE_BESTSCORE Plej bona poentsumo: IDS_PLAYERPROFILE_BESTTIME Plej bona tempo: IDS_PLAYERPROFILE_LEVEL Nivelo: IDS_PLAYERPROFILE_SCORE Poentoj: IDS_CONTROLS !!CONTROLS IDS_CONTROLS_WHIP Vipi/Agi IDS_CONTROLS_JUMP Salti IDS_CONTROLS_ROPE Ŝnuro IDS_CONTROLS_BOMB Bombo IDS_CONTROLS_RUN Kuri IDS_CONTROLS_PURCHASE Aĉeti/Pordo IDS_CONTROLS_UNUSED Neuzata IDS_JOURNAL_TUTORIAL1 Salutojn! Mia nomo estas Jang, kaj ĉi tio estas mia ĵurnalo. Polvaj mapoj kaj onidiroj pri eksterordinaraj trezoroj gvidis min ĉi tien, profunde sub la dezerton. IDS_JOURNAL_TUTORIAL2 There's something very strange about this place... the layout seems to change all the time. I've never seen the same room twice! IDS_JOURNAL_TUTORIAL3 It could be the legendary Curse of Olmec, the one they say traps people inside the caves forever! IDS_JOURNAL_TUTORIAL4 I push the idea out of my mind and focus on the treasure, instead. If I master the basics of movement and combat, I know I'll leave here a rich man! IDS_JOURNAL_TUTORIAL5 The journey has been more difficult than I expected. I've fallen in spike pits, stepped into traps, and been attacked by monsters... IDS_JOURNAL_TUTORIAL6 Yet no matter what happens, I always wake up at the entrance to the mines! It's like death itself has lost its way down here. IDS_JOURNAL_TUTORIAL7 Despite the eeriness of these events, I remain focused on the task at hand. Eagerly, I press on, pursuing my fame and fortune. IDS_JOURNAL_TUTORIAL8 I caught a glimpse of a lush paradise the other day, at the end of the mines. IDS_JOURNAL_TUTORIAL9 How could such a place exist so far underground? And what lies beyond? IDS_JOURNAL_TUTORIAL10 Cave merchants speak of even more fabulous sights further below... ancient ruins and cities made of gold! The very idea makes my restless heart beat faster! IDS_JOURNAL_TUTORIAL11 To whomever holds this journal: I hope you find it useful. It's served me well but I no longer need it. IDS_JOURNAL_TUTORIAL12 I'm descending into the caves for what I hope is the last time. I won't return until I've escaped with The Ultimate Treasure! IDS_JOURNAL_TUTORIAL13 Or are there even greater delights to be discovered? Well, there's only one way to find out! IDS_JOURNAL_TUTORIAL14 Take this key. It will open the entrance to the mines. Follow me if you dare!*Happy Exploring!*-Yang IDS_JOURNAL_KILLS Mortigoj: IDS_JOURNAL_KILLEDBY ??Mortoj pro ĝi: IDS_JOURNAL_ENTRY Enskribaĵo IDS_JOURNAL_SNAKE Serpento IDS_JOURNAL_SNAKE_DESC ??Plago de ĉiu aventuristo. Ĝi ŝatas kaŝi sin en potoj. IDS_JOURNAL_COBRA Kobro IDS_JOURNAL_COBRA_DESC Mortdanĝera serpento, kiu havas distingan kapuĉon kaj venenan salivon. IDS_JOURNAL_BAT Vesperto IDS_JOURNAL_BAT_DESC Ĝi pli ŝatas manĝi insektojn, sed ankaŭ homojn ĝi atakas, se ĝi estas sufiĉe malsata. IDS_JOURNAL_SPIDER Araneo IDS_JOURNAL_SPIDER_DESC !!Pli granda ol ordinaraj domaj specioj. Ne lasu ĝin... Don't let it get the drop on you. IDS_JOURNAL_HANGSPIDER Ŝpina Araneo IDS_JOURNAL_HANGSPIDER_DESC Pendas de la plafono per silka fadeno. IDS_JOURNAL_GIANTSPIDER Giganta Araneo IDS_JOURNAL_GIANTSPIDER_DESC Kolosa araneo granda kiel aŭto! Ŝi kaptas siajn predojn per gluecaj retoj. IDS_JOURNAL_SKELETON Skeleto IDS_JOURNAL_SKELETON_DESC ??Vivanta skeleto tute sama kiel tiuj, pri kiuj vi timsonĝas. IDS_JOURNAL_SCORPION Skorpio IDS_JOURNAL_SCORPION_DESC Predanta araneoido, kiu havas veneman pikilon ĉe sia vostopinto. IDS_JOURNAL_CAVEMAN Kavernhomo IDS_JOURNAL_CAVEMAN_DESC Unu el la primitivaj prauloj de la homo. IDS_JOURNAL_DAMSEL Fraŭl(in)o IDS_JOURNAL_DAMSEL_DESC Alkonduku senhelpajn fraŭl(in)ojn al la elirejo, kaj vi rekompence ricevos kison! IDS_JOURNAL_SHOPKEEPER Butikisto IDS_JOURNAL_SHOPKEEPER_DESC Tiu ĉi facile kolerigebla komercisto vendas ion ajn, se la prezo ĝustas. Li malamas butikoŝtelantojn! IDS_JOURNAL_TUNNELMAN Tunelviro IDS_JOURNAL_TUNNELMAN_DESC Gaja viro, kiu perlaboras sian vivon fosante tunelojn al la plej profundaj partoj de la groto. IDS_JOURNAL_SCARAB Skarabo IDS_JOURNAL_SCARAB_DESC Fluganta instekto el pura oro. Kelkaj kulturoj kultas ĝin. IDS_JOURNAL_TIKIMAN ??Tikiulo IDS_JOURNAL_TIKIMAN_DESC Li simple estas nur ordinara maskita kanibalo, kiu man-uzas gigantan bumerangon. IDS_JOURNAL_FROG Rano IDS_JOURNAL_FROG_DESC Granda grota rano... aŭ ĉu bufo? Nu, ne gravas. IDS_JOURNAL_FIREFROG Fajra Rano IDS_JOURNAL_FIREFROG_DESC Malofta rana specio, kiu plenas de eksplodema marĉa gaso. IDS_JOURNAL_GIANTFROG Giganta Rano IDS_JOURNAL_GIANTFROG_DESC Tiu ĉi aparte granda amfibio portas siajn idojn ene de sia buŝo. IDS_JOURNAL_MANTRAP Homkaptilo IDS_JOURNAL_MANTRAP_DESC Karnovoraj plantoj, al kiuj plaĉas homaĵo. IDS_JOURNAL_PIRANHA Piranjo IDS_JOURNAL_PIRANHA_DESC Aro da tiuj povas skeletigi bovon en nur du minutoj. IDS_JOURNAL_JAWS Olda Mordĉjo IDS_JOURNAL_JAWS_DESC Tiu ĉi legenda fiŝo prenis de multaj aventuristoj la vivon. IDS_JOURNAL_BEE ??Murda Abelo IDS_JOURNAL_BEE_DESC ??Abelo kun pikilo tiom granda, kiom harpuno. Ĝi estas tre protektema pri sia nesto. IDS_JOURNAL_QUEENBEE Abelreĝino IDS_JOURNAL_QUEENBEE_DESC !!Bee royalty. She might have some delicious royal jelly stuck to her abdomen. IDS_JOURNAL_SNAIL Heliko IDS_JOURNAL_SNAIL_DESC !!A slimy mollusk that blows acidic spit bubbles when it's agitated. IDS_JOURNAL_MONKEY Simio IDS_JOURNAL_MONKEY_DESC !!Ĝiaj ŝerctrompoj estas la ĉefa kialo de vundoj al nesingardaj ĝangalesplorantoj. IDS_JOURNAL_GOLDMONKEY Ora Simio IDS_JOURNAL_GOLDMONKEY_DESC Amikeca sed apenaŭ trovebla primato, kiu ŝatas aventurumi. IDS_JOURNAL_JIANGSHI Ĉjan Ŝi IDS_JOURNAL_JIANGSHI_DESC !!This restless zombie attacks humans to absorb their life essence. IDS_JOURNAL_GREENKNIGHT Verda Kavaliro IDS_JOURNAL_GREENKNIGHT_DESC Kiu aŭ kio estas en tiu hantata kiraso? IDS_JOURNAL_BLACKKNIGHT Nigra Kavaliro IDS_JOURNAL_BLACKKNIGHT_DESC !!La lordo de la kastelo. He fights with supreme confidence and won't give up until death. IDS_JOURNAL_VAMPIRE Vampiro IDS_JOURNAL_VAMPIRE_DESC Superhome forta vivkadavro, kiu suĉas sangon. Li povas ŝanĝi sian formon al vesperto. IDS_JOURNAL_GHOST Fantomo IDS_JOURNAL_GHOST_DESC Tiu ĉi timiga aperaĵo hantas la grotojn. De kie ĝi venis? IDS_JOURNAL_CELL Bakterio IDS_JOURNAL_CELL_DESC Danĝera unuĉela vivaĵo, kiu nutras sin per putrantaj restaĵoj. IDS_JOURNAL_WORMEGG Verma Ovo IDS_JOURNAL_WORMEGG_DESC Ĝi plenas je vermidoj. Naŭze! IDS_JOURNAL_WORMBABY Vermido IDS_JOURNAL_WORMBABY_DESC Nun ĝi estas eta, sed plenkreskaj vermoj povas kreski ĝis longeco de kelkaj kilometoj. IDS_JOURNAL_YETI Jetio IDS_JOURNAL_YETI_DESC Ludema vivaĵo, kiu bedaŭrinde ne bone regas sian fortecon. IDS_JOURNAL_YETIKING Jetia Reĝo IDS_JOURNAL_YETIKING_DESC La reĝo de la jetio estas tiu, kiu plej grandas. IDS_JOURNAL_MAMMOTH Mamuto IDS_JOURNAL_MAMMOTH_DESC Oni supozis, ke tiuj ĉi harplenaj bestoj estis formortintaj. Ĝia spiro estas kiel neĝoŝtormo! IDS_JOURNAL_ALIEN Eksterterano IDS_JOURNAL_ALIEN_DESC !!Invaders from space... what are they doing down here? IDS_JOURNAL_UFO Nifo IDS_JOURNAL_UFO_DESC Fluganta subtaso, kiu moviĝas per mistera ekstertera teknologio. IDS_JOURNAL_ALIENTANK !!Alien Tank IDS_JOURNAL_ALIENTANK_DESC !!The survival rate of tank drivers is at an all-time low. IDS_JOURNAL_ALIENLORD !!Alien Lord IDS_JOURNAL_ALIENLORD_DESC !!A powerful psychic creature that commands a large spacecraft. IDS_JOURNAL_ALIENQUEEN !!Alien Queen IDS_JOURNAL_ALIENQUEEN_DESC !!The mastermind of the alien invasion. She has incredible psychic powers. IDS_JOURNAL_HAWKMAN !!Hawk Man IDS_JOURNAL_HAWKMAN_DESC !!A dangerous leader of the Olmec cult. He's always looking for people to sacrifice. IDS_JOURNAL_CROCMAN Krokodilulo IDS_JOURNAL_CROCMAN_DESC !!This elite temple guard has magical powers that make him very tough to kill. IDS_JOURNAL_MAGMAMAN Magmulo IDS_JOURNAL_MAGMAMAN_DESC Fajra elementvivaĵo, kiu formis por si korpon el lafo. IDS_JOURNAL_SCORPIONFLY Skorpia Muŝo IDS_JOURNAL_SCORPIONFLY_DESC !!It's as dangerous on the ground as it is in the air. IDS_JOURNAL_MUMMY Mumio IDS_JOURNAL_MUMMY_DESC !!Cursed tomb lords with a very old grudge to bear. IDS_JOURNAL_ANUBIS Anubo IDS_JOURNAL_ANUBIS_DESC Ŝakal-kapa dio, kiu regas la postmortan mondon. IDS_JOURNAL_ANUBISII Anubo II IDS_JOURNAL_ANUBISII_DESC !!The second incarnation of Anubis. He'll do anything to protect the treasures of the underworld. IDS_JOURNAL_OLMEC Olmeko IDS_JOURNAL_OLMEC_DESC !!Legend has it that Olmec's Curse keeps people trapped in the caves. Laŭ la legendoj, la malbeno de Olmeko IDS_JOURNAL_VLAD !!Vlad IDS_JOURNAL_VLAD_DESC La ombra princo de vampiroj. Lia turo gardas la enirejon de Infero. IDS_JOURNAL_IMP !!Imp IDS_JOURNAL_IMP_DESC !!A lowly servant of the underworld. Its job is to refill the lava pits. IDS_JOURNAL_DEVIL !!Devil IDS_JOURNAL_DEVIL_DESC !!Blue devils that escort lost souls to King Yama's courtroom. IDS_JOURNAL_SUCCUBUS !!Succubus IDS_JOURNAL_SUCCUBUS_DESC !!A mistress of Vlad. She seduces men and women alike in the service of her master. IDS_JOURNAL_OXFACE !!Ox Face IDS_JOURNAL_OXFACE_DESC !!King Yama's left-hand man. He has the face of an ox. IDS_JOURNAL_HORSEHEAD !!Horse Head IDS_JOURNAL_HORSEHEAD_DESC !!King Yama's right-hand man. He has the head of a horse. IDS_JOURNAL_KINGYAMA Reĝo Jama IDS_JOURNAL_KINGYAMA_DESC !!The ruler of Hell! He punishes the damned from atop a bloody throne. IDS_JOURNAL_MINES !!The Mines IDS_JOURNAL_MINES_DESC !!An abandoned mine with many deep shafts. IDS_JOURNAL_LUSH !!Lush IDS_JOURNAL_LUSH_DESC !!The trees here have found a way to grow without any sunlight. IDS_JOURNAL_ICE !!Ice Caves IDS_JOURNAL_ICE_DESC !!Icy rocks suspended over a bottomless abyss. IDS_JOURNAL_TEMPLE !!Temple IDS_JOURNAL_TEMPLE_DESC !!These ruins have probably been here for thousands of years. Who built them? IDS_JOURNAL_HELL Infero IDS_JOURNAL_HELL_DESC !!The Underworld. Sheol. Hades. One thing's for certain: it's HOT down here! IDS_JOURNAL_CEMETARY !!Cemetery IDS_JOURNAL_CEMETARY_DESC !!This barren place is home for all manner of undead creatures. IDS_JOURNAL_CASTLE !!Haunted Castle IDS_JOURNAL_CASTLE_DESC !!Long ago, the knights who dwelt here were cursed with eternal life. IDS_JOURNAL_MARKET !!Black Market IDS_JOURNAL_MARKET_DESC !!You may be able to purchase some one-of-a-kind items in this hidden place... IDS_JOURNAL_WORM !!Worm IDS_JOURNAL_WORM_DESC !!In one end and out the other. IDS_JOURNAL_YETICAVE !!Yeti Cave IDS_JOURNAL_YETICAVE_DESC !!Home to a family yetis. No wonder it smells! IDS_JOURNAL_MOTHERSHIP !!Mothership IDS_JOURNAL_MOTHERSHIP_DESC !!An impossibly large alien craft. IDS_JOURNAL_COG !!City of Gold IDS_JOURNAL_COG_DESC !!The City of Gold! So the legends were true! IDS_JOURNAL_ROPEPILE ??Ŝnurstako IDS_JOURNAL_ROPEPILE_DESC !!Ropes are an essential tool of the explorer. Great for those hard-to-reach places! IDS_JOURNAL_BOMBBAG ??Bombsako IDS_JOURNAL_BOMBBAG_DESC Tri bomboj en sako. IDS_JOURNAL_BOMBBOX ??Bombskatolo IDS_JOURNAL_BOMBBOX_DESC Dek du bomboj en skatolo. IDS_JOURNAL_SPECTACLES Okulvitroj IDS_JOURNAL_SPECTACLES_DESC Belaj okulvitroj, kiuj ebligas vidi aferojn, kiuj normale ne videblas. IDS_JOURNAL_CLIMBINGGLOVES Grimpgantoj IDS_JOURNAL_CLIMBINGGLOVES_DESC Ili protektas viajn manojn kaj ebligas kroĉiĝi eĉ al la plej glitigaj muroj. IDS_JOURNAL_PITCHERSMITT Ĵetistganto IDS_JOURNAL_PITCHERSMITT_DESC ??Ĝi plibonigas vian ĵetan kaj kaptan lertecon! IDS_JOURNAL_SPRINGSHOES Risortŝuoj IDS_JOURNAL_SPRINGSHOES_DESC !!Puts a spring in your step. IDS_JOURNAL_SPIKESHOES !!Spike Shoes IDS_JOURNAL_SPIKESHOES_DESC !!Hiking boots fitted with sharp spikes on their soles. IDS_JOURNAL_CAMERA Fotilo IDS_JOURNAL_CAMERA_DESC La plej multekosta fotilo, kiu aĉeteblas. Ridetu! IDS_JOURNAL_COMPASS Kompaso IDS_JOURNAL_COMPASS_DESC Tiu ĉi kompaso ĉiam indikas la direkton al la elirejo. IDS_JOURNAL_PASTE Gluo IDS_JOURNAL_PASTE_DESC !!Coat your bombs with this and they'll stick to pretty much anything. IDS_JOURNAL_MATTOCK Hakfosilo IDS_JOURNAL_MATTOCK_DESC Akra ilo, kiu ege helpas la fosadon, sed la konstruo ne estas tre bona. IDS_JOURNAL_MACHETE Maĉeto IDS_JOURNAL_MACHETE_DESC !!It slices, it dices, it cuts through monsters like stale bread! IDS_JOURNAL_BOOMERANG Bumerango IDS_JOURNAL_BOOMERANG_DESC ??Populara armilo inter Tikiuloj. Ĝi (preskaŭ) ĉiam revenas! IDS_JOURNAL_CRYSKNIFE !!Crysknife (reference to Dune) IDS_JOURNAL_CRYSKNIFE_DESC !!A razor-sharp blade fashioned from the tooth of a worm. It replaces your whip. IDS_JOURNAL_WEBGUN Retpafilo IDS_JOURNAL_WEBGUN_DESC ??Pafilo, kiu (el?)pafas gluecajn araneajn retojn. IDS_JOURNAL_SHOTGUN ??Hajlofusilo IDS_JOURNAL_SHOTGUN_DESC !!Your typical 12-gauge shotgun. IDS_JOURNAL_FREEZERAY ??Frostiga Radipafilo IDS_JOURNAL_FREEZERAY_DESC Unu pafo de tio tute frostigas ion ajn. IDS_JOURNAL_LASERGUN Plasma Kanono IDS_JOURNAL_LASERGUN_DESC !!The height of alien weapon design. This thing packs a punch! IDS_JOURNAL_PARACHUTE Paraŝuto IDS_JOURNAL_PARACHUTE_DESC !!It will deploy automatically as you're falling. IDS_JOURNAL_CAPE ??Tukmantelo IDS_JOURNAL_CAPE_DESC !!It looks dashing and also lets you float in the air. IDS_JOURNAL_TELEPORTER Teleportilo IDS_JOURNAL_TELEPORTER_DESC !!A piece of futuristic technology! But it hasn't been perfected yet... IDS_JOURNAL_JETPACK Jetpack IDS_JOURNAL_JETPACK_DESC The coolest way to travel. The fuel replenishes while you're on the ground. IDS_JOURNAL_SHIELD Shield IDS_JOURNAL_SHIELD_DESC The ultimate in protective armor! Even a cannonball couldn't get through this. IDS_JOURNAL_VLADSWINGS Vlad's Cape IDS_JOURNAL_VLADSWINGS_DESC The bloody cape of Vlad the Impaler. It's even more dashing than regular capes. IDS_JOURNAL_ROYALJELLY Royal Jelly IDS_JOURNAL_ROYALJELLY_DESC A delicious nectar that's made by bees. Highly valued by gourmands everywhere. IDS_JOURNAL_IDOL Idol IDS_JOURNAL_IDOL_DESC A golden statue guarded by deadly traps. Bring it to the exit for a big reward! IDS_JOURNAL_KAPALA Kapalo IDS_JOURNAL_KAPALA_DESC Taso farita el homa kranio. Oni uzas ĝin dum sangaj ritoj. IDS_JOURNAL_VLADSAMULET Vlad's Amulet IDS_JOURNAL_VLADSAMULET_DESC A magical amulet that protects its owner from fire. IDS_JOURNAL_UDJATEYE Uĝata Okulo IDS_JOURNAL_UDJATEYE_DESC The Eye is an ancient symbol of royal power. Does it have any other purpose? IDS_JOURNAL_ANKH Anĥo IDS_JOURNAL_ANKH_DESC A magical artifact that symbolizes eternal life. IDS_JOURNAL_HEDJET Hedjet IDS_JOURNAL_HEDJET_DESC The white crown of pharaohs. It grants its wearer access to secret areas. IDS_JOURNAL_SCEPTRE Sceptre IDS_JOURNAL_SCEPTRE_DESC The person who wields the staff of Anubis has control over life and death. IDS_JOURNAL_BOOKOFDEAD Book of the Dead IDS_JOURNAL_BOOKOFDEAD_DESC Guarded by Anubis II in the City of Gold. It opens the entrance to the underworld. IDS_JOURNAL_SPIKES Spikes IDS_JOURNAL_SPIKES_DESC These protrusions will leave big holes in anyone unlucky enough to fall on them. IDS_JOURNAL_ARROWTRAP Arrow Trap IDS_JOURNAL_ARROWTRAP_DESC A basic trap. It fires an arrow when something moves in front of it. IDS_JOURNAL_BOULDER Boulder IDS_JOURNAL_BOULDER_DESC An elaborate trap used to punish thieves. IDS_JOURNAL_TIKITRAP Tiki Trap IDS_JOURNAL_TIKITRAP_DESC Sharp spikes on either side skewer anything that gets too close. IDS_JOURNAL_ACID Acid IDS_JOURNAL_ACID_DESC Caustic stomach acid that slowly burns away the flesh. Beware of the bubbles! IDS_JOURNAL_SPRING Spring IDS_JOURNAL_SPRING_DESC An alien contraption that's used for transportation and entertainment. IDS_JOURNAL_MINE Mine IDS_JOURNAL_MINE_DESC A proximity-triggered explosive device. Disarm it quickly! IDS_JOURNAL_TURRET Turret IDS_JOURNAL_TURRET_DESC It's part of the standard spaceship defense system. IDS_JOURNAL_FORCEFIELD Forcefield IDS_JOURNAL_FORCEFIELD_DESC A powerful laser barrier that can even deflect plasma blasts. IDS_JOURNAL_CRUSHTRAP Crush Trap IDS_JOURNAL_CRUSHTRAP_DESC This heavy stone block is imbued with the spirit of the pharaoh's palace guard. IDS_JOURNAL_CEILINGTRAP Ceiling Trap IDS_JOURNAL_CEILINGTRAP_DESC When the ceiling starts dropping, you'd better stop hopping! IDS_JOURNAL_FLAMETRAP Flame Trap IDS_JOURNAL_FLAMETRAP_DESC It shoot jets of flames in short bursts. IDS_JOURNAL_SPIKEBALL Spike Ball IDS_JOURNAL_SPIKEBALL_DESC A deadly ball and chain that swings with infernal determination. IDS_JOURNAL_LAVA Lava IDS_JOURNAL_LAVA_DESC Molten rock that flows deep underground. The heat can melt almost anything! IDS_STARTMSG The walls are shifting... IDS_JOURNALPICKUP You picked up a journal! Press @- to open it. IDS_LEVELFEELING_CEMETARY The dead are restless... IDS_LEVELFEELING_MARKET Welcome to the Black Market! IDS_LEVELFEELING_CASTLE ??Lupo hojlas en la foro... IDS_LEVELFEELING_SNAKEPIT Mi aŭdas serpentojn... Mi malamas serpentojn! IDS_LEVELFEELING_SPIDER My skin is crawling... IDS_LEVELFEELING_JULY It feels like the fourth of July... IDS_LEVELFEELING_YETICAVE It smells like wet fur in here. IDS_LEVELFEELING_SACPIT You hear prayers to Kali! IDS_LEVELFEELING_VLAD A horrible feeling of nausea comes over you! IDS_LEVELFEELING_LAKE I hear rushing water! IDS_LEVELFEELING_ASHIP I sense a psychic presence here! IDS_LEVELFEELING_DARK I can't see a thing! IDS_TRYAGAIN Let's try that again! IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME1 Ahkmed IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME2 Bob IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME3 Cosmo IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME4 Darwin IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME5 Error IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME6 Frank IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME7 Garth IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME8 Hakim IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME9 Iggy IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME10 Jimbo IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME11 Kevin IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME12 Lou IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME13 Max IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME14 Nacho IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME15 Omar IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME16 Pancho IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME17 Quincy IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME18 Ron IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME19 Sparky IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME20 Tarn IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME21 Ulf IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME22 Vern IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME23 Willy IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME24 Xorn IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME25 Yoshi IDS_SHOPKEEPER_NAME26 Ziggy IDS_SHOPWELCOME0A Welcome to Ahkmed's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME0B Welcome to Ahkmed's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME0C Welcome to Ahkmed's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME0D Welcome to Ahkmed's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME0E Welcome to Ahkmed's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME0F Welcome to Ahkmed's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME0G Welcome to Ahkmed's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME0H Welcome to Ahkmed's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME0I Welcome to Ahkmed's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME1A Welcome to Bob's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME1B Welcome to Bob's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME1C Welcome to Bob's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME1D Welcome to Bob's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME1E Welcome to Bob's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME1F Welcome to Bob's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME1G Welcome to Bob's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME1H Welcome to Bob's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME1I Welcome to Bob's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME2A Welcome to Cosmo's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME2B Welcome to Cosmo's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME2C Welcome to Cosmo's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME2D Welcome to Cosmo's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME2E Welcome to Cosmo's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME2F Welcome to Cosmo's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME2G Welcome to Cosmo's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME2H Welcome to Cosmo's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME2I Welcome to Cosmo's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME3A Welcome to Darwin's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME3B Welcome to Darwin's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME3C Welcome to Darwin's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME3D Welcome to Darwin's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME3E Welcome to Darwin's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME3F Welcome to Darwin's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME3G Welcome to Darwin's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME3H Welcome to Darwin's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME3I Welcome to Darwin's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME4A Welcome to Error's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME4B Welcome to Error's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME4C Welcome to Error's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME4D Welcome to Error's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME4E Welcome to Error's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME4F Welcome to Error's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME4G Welcome to Error's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME4H Welcome to Error's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME4I Welcome to Error's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME5A Welcome to Frank's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME5B Welcome to Frank's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME5C Welcome to Frank's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME5D Welcome to Frank's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME5E Welcome to Frank's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME5F Welcome to Frank's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME5G Welcome to Frank's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME5H Welcome to Frank's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME5I Welcome to Frank's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME6A Welcome to Garth's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME6B Welcome to Garth's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME6C Welcome to Garth's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME6D Welcome to Garth's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME6E Welcome to Garth's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME6F Welcome to Garth's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME6G Welcome to Garth's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME6H Welcome to Garth's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME6I Welcome to Garth's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME7A Welcome to Hakim's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME7B Welcome to Hakim's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME7C Welcome to Hakim's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME7D Welcome to Hakim's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME7E Welcome to Hakim's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME7F Welcome to Hakim's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME7G Welcome to Hakim's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME7H Welcome to Hakim's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME7I Welcome to Hakim's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME8A Welcome to Iggy's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME8B Welcome to Iggy's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME8C Welcome to Iggy's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME8D Welcome to Iggy's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME8E Welcome to Iggy's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME8F Welcome to Iggy's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME8G Welcome to Iggy's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME8H Welcome to Iggy's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME8I Welcome to Iggy's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME9A Welcome to Jimbo's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME9B Welcome to Jimbo's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME9C Welcome to Jimbo's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME9D Welcome to Jimbo's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME9E Welcome to Jimbo's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME9F Welcome to Jimbo's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME9G Welcome to Jimbo's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME9H Welcome to Jimbo's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME9I Welcome to Jimbo's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME10A Welcome to Kevin's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME10B Welcome to Kevin's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME10C Welcome to Kevin's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME10D Welcome to Kevin's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME10E Welcome to Kevin's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME10F Welcome to Kevin's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME10G Welcome to Kevin's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME10H Welcome to Kevin's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME10I Welcome to Kevin's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME11A Welcome to Lou's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME11B Welcome to Lou's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME11C Welcome to Lou's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME11D Welcome to Lou's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME11E Welcome to Lou's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME11F Welcome to Lou's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME11G Welcome to Lou's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME11H Welcome to Lou's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME11I Welcome to Lou's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME12A Welcome to Max's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME12B Welcome to Max's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME12C Welcome to Max's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME12D Welcome to Max's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME12E Welcome to Max's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME12F Welcome to Max's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME12G Welcome to Max's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME12H Welcome to Max's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME12I Welcome to Max's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME13A Welcome to Nacho's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME13B Welcome to Nacho's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME13C Welcome to Nacho's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME13D Welcome to Nacho's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME13E Welcome to Nacho's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME13F Welcome to Nacho's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME13G Welcome to Nacho's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME13H Welcome to Nacho's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME13I Welcome to Nacho's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME14A Welcome to Omar's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME14B Welcome to Omar's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME14C Welcome to Omar's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME14D Welcome to Omar's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME14E Welcome to Omar's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME14F Welcome to Omar's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME14G Welcome to Omar's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME14H Welcome to Omar's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME14I Welcome to Omar's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME15A Welcome to Pancho's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME15B Welcome to Pancho's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME15C Welcome to Pancho's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME15D Welcome to Pancho's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME15E Welcome to Pancho's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME15F Welcome to Pancho's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME15G Welcome to Pancho's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME15H Welcome to Pancho's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME15I Welcome to Pancho's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME16A Welcome to Quincy's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME16B Welcome to Quincy's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME16C Welcome to Quincy's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME16D Welcome to Quincy's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME16E Welcome to Quincy's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME16F Welcome to Quincy's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME16G Welcome to Quincy's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME16H Welcome to Quincy's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME16I Welcome to Quincy's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME17A Welcome to Ron's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME17B Welcome to Ron's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME17C Welcome to Ron's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME17D Welcome to Ron's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME17E Welcome to Ron's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME17F Welcome to Ron's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME17G Welcome to Ron's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME17H Welcome to Ron's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME17I Welcome to Ron's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME18A Welcome to Sparky's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME18B Welcome to Sparky's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME18C Welcome to Sparky's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME18D Welcome to Sparky's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME18E Welcome to Sparky's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME18F Welcome to Sparky's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME18G Welcome to Sparky's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME18H Welcome to Sparky's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME18I Welcome to Sparky's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME19A Welcome to Tarn's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME19B Welcome to Tarn's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME19C Welcome to Tarn's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME19D Welcome to Tarn's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME19E Welcome to Tarn's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME19F Welcome to Tarn's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME19G Welcome to Tarn's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME19H Welcome to Tarn's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME19I Welcome to Tarn's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME20A Welcome to Ulf's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME20B Welcome to Ulf's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME20C Welcome to Ulf's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME20D Welcome to Ulf's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME20E Welcome to Ulf's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME20F Welcome to Ulf's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME20G Welcome to Ulf's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME20H Welcome to Ulf's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME20I Welcome to Ulf's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME21A Welcome to Verne's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME21B Welcome to Verne's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME21C Welcome to Verne's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME21D Welcome to Verne's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME21E Welcome to Verne's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME21F Welcome to Verne's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME21G Welcome to Verne's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME21H Welcome to Verne's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME21I Welcome to Verne's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME22A Welcome to Willy's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME22B Welcome to Willy's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME22C Welcome to Willy's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME22D Welcome to Willy's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME22E Welcome to Willy's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME22F Welcome to Willy's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME22G Welcome to Willy's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME22H Welcome to Willy's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME22I Welcome to Willy's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME23A Welcome to Xorn's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME23B Welcome to Xorn's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME23C Welcome to Xorn's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME23D Welcome to Xorn's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME23E Welcome to Xorn's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME23F Welcome to Xorn's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME23G Welcome to Xorn's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME23H Welcome to Xorn's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME23I Welcome to Xorn's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME24A Welcome to Yoshi's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME24B Welcome to Yoshi's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME24C Welcome to Yoshi's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME24D Welcome to Yoshi's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME24E Welcome to Yoshi's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME24F Welcome to Yoshi's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME24G Welcome to Yoshi's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME24H Welcome to Yoshi's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME24I Welcome to Yoshi's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME25A Welcome to Ziggy's General Store! IDS_SHOPWELCOME25B Welcome to Ziggy's Specialty Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME25C Welcome to Ziggy's Clothing Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME25D Welcome to Ziggy's Bomb Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME25E Welcome to Ziggy's Weapon Shop! IDS_SHOPWELCOME25F Welcome to Ziggy's Kissing Parlor! IDS_SHOPWELCOME25G Welcome to Ziggy's Hired Hands! IDS_SHOPWELCOME25H Welcome to Ziggy's Wheel of Prizes! IDS_SHOPWELCOME25I Welcome to Ziggy's General Store! IDS_BUY_ITEM_ROPEPILE !!Buy Rope Pile IDS_BUY_ITEM_BOMBBAG Aĉeti Bombsakon IDS_BUY_ITEM_BOMBBOX Aĉeti Bombskatolon IDS_BUY_ITEM_SPECTACLES Aĉeti Okulvitrojn IDS_BUY_ITEM_CLIMBINGGLOVES Aĉeti Grimpgantojn IDS_BUY_ITEM_PITCHERSMITT ??Aĉeti Ĵetistganton IDS_BUY_ITEM_SPRINGSHOES !!Buy Spring Shoes IDS_BUY_ITEM_SPIKESHOES !!Buy Spike Shoes IDS_BUY_ITEM_CAMERA Aĉeti Fotilon IDS_BUY_ITEM_COMPASS Aĉeti Kompason IDS_BUY_ITEM_PASTE Aĉeti Gluon IDS_BUY_ITEM_MATTOCK Aĉeti Hakfosilon IDS_BUY_ITEM_MACHETE Aĉeti Maĉeton IDS_BUY_ITEM_BOOMERANG Aĉeti Bumerangon IDS_BUY_ITEM_CRYSKNIFE !!Buy Crysknife IDS_BUY_ITEM_WEBGUN Aĉeti Retpafilon IDS_BUY_ITEM_SHOTGUN ??Aĉeti Hajlofusilon IDS_BUY_ITEM_FREEZERAY !!Buy Freeze Ray IDS_BUY_ITEM_LASERGUN Aĉeti Plasman Kanonon IDS_BUY_ITEM_PARACHUTE Aĉeti Paraŝuton IDS_BUY_ITEM_CAPE ??Aĉeti Tukmantelon IDS_BUY_ITEM_TELEPORTER Aĉeti Teleportilon IDS_BUY_ITEM_JETPACK !!Buy Jetpack IDS_BUY_ITEM_SHIELD Buy Shield IDS_BUY_ITEM_VLADSWINGS Buy Vlad's Cape IDS_BUY_ITEM_ROYALJELLY Buy Royal Jelly IDS_BUY_ITEM_IDOL Buy Idol IDS_BUY_ITEM_KAPALA Aĉeti Kapalon IDS_BUY_ITEM_VLADSAMULET Buy Vlad's Amulet IDS_BUY_ITEM_UDJATEYE Buy Udjat Eye IDS_BUY_ITEM_ANKH Buy Ankh IDS_BUY_ITEM_HEDJET Buy Hedjet IDS_BUY_ITEM_SCEPTRE Aĉeti Sceptron IDS_BUY_ITEM_BOOKOFDEAD Buy Book of the Dead IDS_BUY_DAMSEL Buy Damsel IDS_BUY_KISS Aĉeti Kison IDS_BUY_SLAVE1 Buy Atlas IDS_BUY_SLAVE2 Buy Barca IDS_BUY_SLAVE3 Buy Clovis IDS_BUY_SLAVE4 Buy Dunder IDS_BUY_SLAVE5 Buy Eirik IDS_BUY_SLAVE6 Buy Fink IDS_BUY_SLAVE7 Buy Grom IDS_BUY_SLAVE8 Buy Ham IDS_BUY_SLAVE9 Buy Ivan IDS_BUY_SLAVE10 Buy Jax IDS_BUY_SLAVE11 Buy Karl IDS_BUY_SLAVE12 Buy Lurch IDS_BUY_SLAVE13 Buy Manfred IDS_BUY_SLAVE14 Buy Nurdle IDS_BUY_SLAVE15 Buy Onyx IDS_BUY_SLAVE16 Buy Perseus IDS_BUY_SLAVE17 Buy Quincy IDS_BUY_SLAVE18 Buy Rastan IDS_BUY_SLAVE19 Buy Steve IDS_BUY_SLAVE20 Buy Thundar IDS_BUY_SLAVE21 Buy Ulrik IDS_BUY_SLAVE22 Buy Voxel IDS_BUY_SLAVE23 Buy Wolf IDS_BUY_SLAVE24 Buy Xom IDS_BUY_SLAVE25 Buy Yor IDS_BUY_SLAVE26 Buy Zorgoth IDS_SHOPMSG_WONPRIZE You won a prize! IDS_SHOPMSG_WONMONEY You won some money! IDS_SHOPMSG_YOULOST You lost! IDS_SHOPMSG_JACKPOT You won the jackpot! IDS_SHOPMSG_THIEF Stop, thief! IDS_SHOPMSG_TERRORIST Terrorist! IDS_SHOPMSG_YOULLPAY You'll pay for your crimes! IDS_SHOPMSG_ONLYI Hey, you can't do that! IDS_SHOPMSG_GOODLUCK Good luck! IDS_SHOPMSG_THANKYOU Thank you for your business! IDS_SHOPMSG_NOMONEY You haven't got enough money! IDS_SHOPMSG_SLURP Lek! IDS_SHOPMSG_SMOOCH Ŝmac! IDS_SHOPMSG_INLOVE You must be in love! IDS_SHOPMSG_ALLYOURS He's all yours. IDS_TUNNELMAN Tunelviro IDS_TUNNELMAN1 Saluton al vi! Mi estas la Tunelviro. IDS_TUNNELMAN2 You can donate a little bit of money each time. I'll remember how much you've paid me. IDS_TUNNELMAN3_1 So what do you say?*I still need $ IDS_TUNNELMAN3_2

to build this shortcut.

IDS_TUNNELMAN4 Domaĝe. Mi neniam finos la tunelon... IDS_TUNNELMAN5 Dankon! Vi ne bedaŭros tion. IDS_TUNNELMAN6 Alright! Now I'll have this tunnel finished in no time! IDS_DONATION DONATION IDS_DONATION_GUIDE @L Change Amount*@A Confirm IDS_KALI_ACCEPTS Kalio akceptas vian oferaĵon! IDS_KALI_INVIGORATED You feel invigorated! IDS_KALI_BESTOWS She bestows a gift upon you! IDS_KALI_SATCHEL Your satchel feels very full! IDS_KALI_ECSTATIC She seems ecstatic with you. IDS_KALI_HAPPY She seems happy with you. IDS_KALI_FORGIVEN She has forgiven you. IDS_KALI_PLEASED She seems pleased with you. IDS_KALI_ANGRY She seems angry with you. IDS_KALI_VERY_ANGRY She seems very angry with you. IDS_KALI_ANGERED You have angered Kali! IDS_KALI_STILL_ECSTATIC Yet she still seems ecstatic with you. IDS_KALI_STILL_HAPPY Yet she still seems happy with you. IDS_KALI_STILL_PLEASED Yet she still seems pleased with you. IDS_LABEL_LEVEL Nivelo: IDS_LABEL_MONEY Mono: IDS_LABEL_TIME Tempo: IDS_LABEL_DAMSELS Fraŭl(in)oj: IDS_LABEL_KILLS Mortigoj IDS_LABEL_TOTALDEATHS Tuta kvanto de mortoj: IDS_MSG_SAVING !!Saving Game... IDS_GUIDE_CONTINUE @A Daŭrigi IDS_GAMEOVER !!Game Over IDS_GAMEOVER_AMAZING !!Amazing IDS_GAMEOVER_SPLENDID !!Splendid IDS_GAMEOVER_NOTBAD !!Not Bad! IDS_GAMEOVER_OKAY !!Okay IDS_GAMEOVER_OHDEAR !!Oh, Dear... IDS_GAMEOVER_SOCLOSE !!So Close! IDS_GAMEOVER_SNAKEBITE !!Snake Bite IDS_GAMEOVER_SPIDERBITE !!Spider Bite IDS_GAMEOVER_BITTEN !!Bitten IDS_GAMEOVER_BEATENUP !!Beaten Up IDS_GAMEOVER_STOMPED !!Stomped IDS_GAMEOVER_STUNG !!Stung IDS_GAMEOVER_EATEN !!Eaten IDS_GAMEOVER_ZAPPED !!Zapped IDS_GAMEOVER_CLAWED !!Clawed IDS_GAMEOVER_CURSED !!Cursed IDS_GAMEOVER_BRAINFRIED !!Brain Fried IDS_GAMEOVER_SLIMED !!Slimed IDS_GAMEOVER_BURNED !!Burned IDS_GAMEOVER_POKED !!Poked IDS_GAMEOVER_SEDUCED !!Seduced IDS_GAMEOVER_HAUNTED !!Haunted IDS_GAMEOVER_BRAINDAMAGE !!Brain Damage IDS_GAMEOVER_LONGFALL !!Long Fall IDS_GAMEOVER_BLOWNUP !!Blown Up IDS_GAMEOVER_IMPALED !!Impaled IDS_GAMEOVER_ARROW !!Arrow IDS_GAMEOVER_CRUSHED !!Crushed IDS_GAMEOVER_SHATTERED !!Shattered IDS_GAMEOVER_ABYSS !!The Abyss IDS_GAMEOVER_BURNEDUP !!Burned Up IDS_GAMEOVER_BLASTED !!Blasted IDS_GAMEOVER_DEATH Morto IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_MULTIHELL !!Unbelievable! We made it to the underworld! IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_MULTITEMPLE !!We made it to the temple! Shared victory was within our grasp! IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_MULTIICE !!Getting to the ice caves together is an achievement. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_MULTILUSH !!Well, at least we made it out of the mines! IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_MULTIMINES !!We need to work on our teamwork! IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_WORM Nu, mi esperas, ke almenaŭ mi bongustas. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_MINESEND !!The end of the mines was just in sight! If I could survive a little longer... IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_LUSHEND !!The air was getting much colder... I almost reached the next area! IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_ICEEND !!I can hear muffled chanting coming from below... IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_OLMEC !!It seems I was no match for the mighty Olmec. Next time! IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_KALI !!I was cast into oblivion by the Black Goddess herself. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_SNAKE1 !!Snakes! I hate snakes! IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_SNAKE2 !!I succumbed to deadly snake venom. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_BAT Mi mortis pro vesperta mordetado. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_SPIDER !!I succumbed to a spider bite. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_GIANTSPIDER !!That was the biggest spider I've ever seen! IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_SKELETON !!I was clawed to death by a skeleton. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_SCORPION !!I was stung by a scorpion! IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_CAVEMAN !!A caveman pummeled me to death. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_SHOPKEEPER !!I should never have angered that shopkeeper... IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_YETI !!A yeti pummeled me to death. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_TIKIMAN !!A tiki man pummeled me to death. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_HAWKMAN !!A hawk man pummeled me to death. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_FROG Rano platigis min. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_MANTRAP Homkaptilo voris min. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_PIRANHA Mi mortis pro mordetado de piranjo. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_JAWS !!I was torn apart by the legendary river monster. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_BEE Mi pensas, ke mi havas abelan alergion. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_ACID !!My flesh is melting right off the bone. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_JIANGSHI Ĉjan Ŝi elsuĉis mian vivenergion. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_KNIGHT Mi ricevis mezepokan bonvenigon. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_PSYCHICBLAST !!A powerful psychic blast has liquified my brains. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_MUMMY !!An ancient mummy has gotten its revenge on humanity. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_ANUBIS !!I've been destroyed by the jackal-headed god Anubis. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_VAMPIRE !!I can feel my humanity draining away from the vampire's bite... IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_YETIKING !!I've been thrashed by the king of the yetis. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_ALIEN Mi hontas diri, sed eta eksterterano mortigis min. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_MAGMAMAN Magmulo mortbruligis min. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_VLAD !!I confronted Vlad the Impaler and lost. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_IMP !!I was nibbled to death by a minion of Hell! IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_DEVIL !!A blue devil perforated me with one of his horns. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_GHOST !!Where am I? I can't feel my body... IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_BRAINDAMAGE !!Something hard hit me in the head. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_LONGFALL !!I broke every bone in my body. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_EXPLOSION !!I couldn't get away in time. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_SPIKES !!I fell on some spikes. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_ARROW !!An arrow has pierced one of my vital organs. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_TIKITRAP !!I stepped too close to a tiki trap. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_CRUSHED !!I've been ground into a fine paste. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_FROZEN !!My frozen body shattered into a million pieces. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_ABYSS Helpu min! Mi ankoraǔ falas senĉese! IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_LAVA !!I've been burnt to a crisp. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_UFO !!I've been incinerated by a UFO laser blast. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_SLAMMED !!I was slammed hard into a wall. IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_DIED Mi mortis denove. IDS_LOCKED !!Locked IDS_UNLOCK !!Buy Full Game to Unlock IDS_ARENA_MINES1 Miner Threat IDS_ARENA_MINES2 Layer Cake IDS_ARENA_MINES3 Rock n' Roll IDS_ARENA_MINES4 Crates IDS_ARENA_MINES5 The Dome IDS_ARENA_MINES6 Falling Rocks IDS_ARENA_MINES7 The Spider Pit IDS_ARENA_MINES8 Ladders IDS_ARENA_LUSH1 Tiki Terror IDS_ARENA_LUSH2 Treehouses IDS_ARENA_LUSH3 Vines IDS_ARENA_LUSH4 Fortress IDS_ARENA_LUSH5 Dunk Tank IDS_ARENA_LUSH6 Tarzan IDS_ARENA_LUSH7 Kudzu IDS_ARENA_LUSH8 The Hill IDS_ARENA_ICE1 Ice Temple IDS_ARENA_ICE2 Moonbounce IDS_ARENA_ICE3 Don't Fall! IDS_ARENA_ICE4 The Calm IDS_ARENA_ICE5 Deathbounce IDS_ARENA_ICE6 Frosted IDS_ARENA_ICE7 Cold Cage IDS_ARENA_ICE8 Do Fall! IDS_ARENA_TEMPLE1 Trap Temple IDS_ARENA_TEMPLE2 Fire Pit IDS_ARENA_TEMPLE3 Rooms IDS_ARENA_TEMPLE4 Deathbox IDS_ARENA_TEMPLE5 Pressure IDS_ARENA_TEMPLE6 Crushers IDS_ARENA_TEMPLE7 Pachinko IDS_ARENA_TEMPLE8 Fire Walk IDS_ARENA_HELL1 The Grinder IDS_ARENA_HELL2 Tension IDS_ARENA_HELL3 Diabolika IDS_ARENA_HELL4 The Ziggurat IDS_ARENA_HELL5 Tree of Death IDS_ARENA_HELL6 The Wall IDS_ARENA_HELL7 Flesh Field IDS_ARENA_HELL8 No Refuge IDS_ARENA_SPECIAL1 Acid Bath IDS_ARENA_SPECIAL2 The Womb IDS_ARENA_SPECIAL3 Scar Tissue IDS_ARENA_SPECIAL4 Intestines IDS_ARENA_SPECIAL5 Zapped IDS_ARENA_SPECIAL6 Cells IDS_ARENA_SPECIAL7 Moonbounce II IDS_ARENA_SPECIAL8 Elevators IDS_PLAYER_WINS1 PLAYER 1 WINS! IDS_PLAYER_WINS2 PLAYER 2 WINS! IDS_PLAYER_WINS3 PLAYER 3 WINS! IDS_PLAYER_WINS4 PLAYER 4 WINS! IDS_NOBODY_WINS NOBODY WINS! IDS_DMRESULTS_GUIDE @X Change Arena @A Next Round @B Main Menu IDS_DMWINNER_GUIDE @A Play Again @B Main Menu IDS_TRIALNAG1 You've almost reached a new area! That means new monsters, traps, and treasure! IDS_TRIALNAG2 But unfortunately, this is only the trial version of the game... get the full version now and test your skills! IDS_TRIALNAG3 Challenge your friends with cooperative multiplayer and deathmatch in 48 unlockable arenas! IDS_TRIALNAG4 Follow Yang to Olmec's Treasure and unravel the many mysteries of Spelunky! IDS_ERROR_NOTCONNECTEDPOST You are not connected to Xbox LIVE. Your score will not be added to the leaderboards. IDS_ERROR_NOTCONNECTEDVIEW You are not connected to Xbox LIVE. Please connect to view leaderboards. IDS_ERROR_SIGNEDOUT A player has signed out or changed gamer profile. You have been returned to the title screen. IDS_ERROR_NOTCONNECTEDCONTENT Sign in to Xbox LIVE to access online content. IDS_ERROR_NOTCONNECTEDLOCAL Sign in to Xbox LIVE to post your score to the leaderboards. IDS_WARNING_MULTINOSAVE Multiplayer game progress is not saved. Your scores will also not post to the leaderboards. IDS_WARNING_NODEVICE You have not selected a device. Your game will not be saved. Would you like to continue anyway? IDS_LEVEL_TUTORIAL_1 !!TUTORIAL 1 IDS_LEVEL_TUTORIAL_2 !!TUTORIAL 2 IDS_LEVEL_TUTORIAL_3 !!TUTORIAL FINAL IDS_LEVEL_1_1 MINEJO 1-1 IDS_LEVEL_1_2 MINEJO 1-2 IDS_LEVEL_1_3 MINEJO 1-3 IDS_LEVEL_1_4 MINEJO 1-4 IDS_LEVEL_2_1 PLANTABUNDO 2-1 IDS_LEVEL_2_2 PLANTABUNDO 2-2 IDS_LEVEL_2_3 PLANTABUNDO 2-3 IDS_LEVEL_2_4 PLANTABUNDO 2-4 IDS_LEVEL_3_1 GLACIAJ GROTOJ 3-1 IDS_LEVEL_3_2 GLACIAJ GROTOJ 3-2 IDS_LEVEL_3_3 GLACIAJ GROTOJ 3-3 IDS_LEVEL_3_4 GLACIAJ GROTOJ 3-4 IDS_LEVEL_4_1 TEMPLO 4-1 IDS_LEVEL_4_2 TEMPLO 4-2 IDS_LEVEL_4_3 TEMPLO 4-3 IDS_LEVEL_4_4 TEMPLO 4-4 IDS_LEVEL_5_1 INFERO 5-1 IDS_LEVEL_5_2 INFERO 5-2 IDS_LEVEL_5_3 INFERO 5-3 IDS_LEVEL_5_4 INFERO 5-4 IDS_LEVEL_MARKET NIGRAMERKATEJO IDS_LEVEL_CASTLE HANTATA KASTELO IDS_LEVEL_MOTHERSHIP ??PATRINŜIPO IDS_LEVEL_WORM VERMO IDS_LEVEL_COG ORA URBO IDS_COMPLETED_1_1 !!1-1 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_1_2 !!1-2 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_1_3 !!1-3 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_1_4 !!1-4 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_2_1 2-1 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_2_2 2-2 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_2_3 2-3 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_2_4 2-4 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_3_1 3-1 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_3_2 3-2 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_3_3 3-3 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_3_4 3-4 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_4_1 4-1 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_4_2 4-2 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_4_3 4-3 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_4_4 4-4 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_5_1 5-1 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_5_2 5-2 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_5_3 !!5-3 COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_MARKET !!MARKET COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_CASTLE !!CASTLE COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_MOTHERSHIP !!MOTHERSHIP COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_WORM !!WORM COMPLETED! IDS_COMPLETED_COG !!CITY OF GOLD COMPLETED! IDS_LEVEL_ENTRANCE ENIREJO IDS_LABEL_LOOT Valoraĵoj IDS_DEATHMATCH_GETREADY PRETIĜU... IDS_DEATHMATCH_GO EK! IDS_DEATHMATCH_STANDINGS !!PLAYER STANDINGS IDS_DEATHMATCH_SELECTARENA @A Selekti batalejon IDS_DEATHMATCH_RANDOMARENA @X Hazarda batalejo IDS_DEATHMATCH_BEGINMATCH @A Komenci matĉon IDS_DEATHMATCH_CHANGEARENA @B Ŝanĝi batalejon IDS_DEATHMATCH_WINS Venkoj IDS_DEATHMATCH_LIFE Vivo IDS_DEATHMATCH_BOMBS Bomboj IDS_DEATHMATCH_ROPE Ŝnuroj IDS_DEATHMATCH_BOTS Robotoj IDS_DEATHMATCH_ON ??(tro longe?)ŜALTITE IDS_DEATHMATCH_OFF ??(tro longe?)MALŜALTITE IDS_ENDING_YANG1 Salutojn, mia kolega trezorĉasisto! Mi estas Jang! IDS_ENDING_YANG2 Mi vidas, ke vi havas mian ĵurnalon ĉe vi! Certe ĝi jam plenas je skribaĵoj pri ĉiaj mirindaĵoj. IDS_ENDING_YANG3 Vi multe laboris por atingi ĉi tiun lokon, do vi verŝajne atendas ricevi grandan rekompencon. IDS_ENDING_YANG4 Sed, nu, pro mia longa vivado ĉi tie sub la tero, mi konsciis kelkajn aferojn... IDS_ENDING_YANG5 La vojaĝo mem estas rekompenco, kaj plena regado de iu kapablo estas la plej valora trezoro de la tuta mondo! IDS_ENDING_YANG6 Nu, bone, ankaŭ oro ja estas agrabla! IDS_ENDING_YANG7 Ha ha ha! Do, ni iru for de ĉi tiu loko, antaŭ ol miaj artikoj riĝidiĝas! IDS_JOURNAL_VALUE Valoro: IDS_GUIDE_BACK @B Reen IDS_GUIDE_MAINMENU @B Reen al ĉefmenuo IDS_SETTINGS AGORDOJ IDS_ENDING_HERO La homaro memoros vin kiel heroo. IDS_ENDING_MADEIT VI SUKCESIS! IDS_ENDING_THANKS Dankon pro via ludado! IDS_LEVELEND_CONTINUE !!@A Continue to Next Level IDS_SPIN_WHEEL Turni la radon IDS_CHOOSE_ADVENTURER ELEKTU AVENTURISTON IDS_CONTROLS_MOVE @L Movi IDS_GUIDE_UNLOCK ??@X Malŝlosi la tutan ludon IDS_MINES MINEJOJ IDS_LUSH PLANTEJO IDS_ICE GLACEJO IDS_TEMPLE TEMPLO IDS_HELL INFERO IDS_SPECIAL !!SPECIAL IDS_ARENA_DLC1 OVO IDS_ARENA_DLC2 LARVO IDS_ARENA_DLC3 PUPO IDS_ARENA_DLC4 PLENKRESKULO IDS_CREDITS !!CREDITS IDS_CREDITS_SPELUNKY SPELUNKY IDS_CREDITS_LEAD_DESIGN !!Lead Design IDS_CREDITS_DESIGN !!Design IDS_CREDITS_LEAD_PROGRAMMING Ĉefprogramisto IDS_CREDITS_PROGRAMMING ??Programistoj IDS_CREDITS_LEAD_GRAPHICS Ĉefgrafikisto IDS_CREDITS_ADD_GRAPHICS Pliaj grafikaĵoj IDS_CREDITS_MUSIC Muziko IDS_CREDITS_SFX Sonefektoj IDS_CREDITS_XBLA_TEAM teamo de Xbox LIVE Arcade IDS_CREDITS_PRODUCER !!Producer IDS_CREDITS_TEST_LEAD Ĉeftestisto IDS_CREDITS_RELEASE_MGMT !!Release Management IDS_CREDITS_PRODUCT_PLANNING !!Product Planning and Business Team IDS_CREDITS_MARKETING !!Marketing IDS_CREDITS_EXEC_PRODUCER !!Executive Producer IDS_CREDITS_MILESTONE !!Milestone Acceptance Tester IDS_CREDITS_EUROPE_LOC !!Europe Localization Team IDS_CREDITS_ASIA_LOC !!Asia Localization Team IDS_CREDITS_SPECIAL_THANKS !!Special Thanks IDS_CREDITS_AS_ALWAYS kaj kiel ĉiam... IDS_CREDITS_THE_PLAYER vi, la ludanto! IDS_CREDITS_THANKS Dankon pro via ludado! IDS_HELP_AND_OPTIONS !!HELP & OPTIONS IDS_HNO_HOW_TO_PLAY ??Kiel ludi IDS_HNO_CONTROLS !1Controls IDS_HNO_SETTINGS Agordoj IDS_HNO_CREDITS !!Credits IDS_REMAP_CONTROLS !!REMAP CONTROLS IDS_REMAP_CONTROLS_WHIP Vipi/Agi: IDS_REMAP_CONTROLS_JUMP Salti: IDS_REMAP_CONTROLS_ROPE Ŝnuro: IDS_REMAP_CONTROLS_BOMB Bombo: IDS_REMAP_CONTROLS_RUN kuri: IDS_REMAP_CONTROLS_PURCHASE Aĉeti/Pordo: IDS_GUIDE_REMAP_CONTROLS !!@A Remap Controls IDS_GUIDE_DEFAULT_CONTROLS !!@X Default Controls IDS_PRESS_ANY_BUTTON Premu iun ajn butonon IDS_SETTINGS_SFX !!SFX Volume IDS_SETTINGS_MUSIC !!Music Volume IDS_SETTINGS_BRIGHTNESS Ekranheleco IDS_SETTINGS_DAMSEL Tipo de Fraŭl(in)o IDS_GUIDE_RESET_SETTINGS @X Defaŭltaj agordoj IDS_DM_PLAYER_1_WINS LUDANTO 1 VENKAS! IDS_DM_PLAYER_2_WINS LUDANTO 2 VENKAS! IDS_DM_PLAYER_3_WINS LUDANTO 3 VENKAS! IDS_DM_PLAYER_4_WINS LUDANTO 4 VENKAS! IDS_DM_NOBODY_WINS NENIU VENKAS!! IDS_HOW_TO_PLAY_1 KIEL LUDI (1/4) IDS_HOW_TO_PLAY_2 KIEL LUDI (2/4) IDS_HOW_TO_PLAY_3 KIEL LUDI (3/4) IDS_HOW_TO_PLAY_4 KIEL LUDI (4/4) IDS_GUIDE_FILTER ??@X Ŝanĝi filtrilon IDS_PURCHASE_A Premu @A por aĉeti. IDS_PURCHASE_B Premu @B por aĉeti. IDS_PURCHASE_X Premu @X por aĉeti. IDS_PURCHASE_Y Premu @Y por aĉeti. IDS_PURCHASE_LB Premu @{ por aĉeti. IDS_PURCHASE_RB Premu @} por aĉeti. IDS_PURCHASE_LT Premu @[ por aĉeti. IDS_PURCHASE_RT Premu @] por aĉeti. IDS_JOURNAL_POWDERKEG !!Powder Box IDS_JOURNAL_POWDERKEG_DESC !!It's filled with black powder. Handle with care! IDS_CHILL !!A terrible chill runs up your spine! IDS_JOURNAL_ENTRY_ADDED Ĵurnal-enskribaĵo aldoniĝis IDS_CHARACTER_UNLOCKED ??New Character Unlocked IDS_ENDING_YANG_NOWORDS ... IDS_ENDING_SCORE Fina poentsumo: IDS_ENDING_TIME Tempo: IDS_GUIDE_SELECTCHAR @A Elektu rolulon IDS_SCEPTRE_FITS !!The sceptre fits, but nothing is happening! IDS_WRONG_KEY !!The key doesn't fit in this door. IDS_ANUBIS_WARNING !!Death to the defiler! IDS_LOCKED_ARENA ?????? IDS_LEVELFEELING_COG !!I finally made it! IDS_SHOPBUYIDOL !!Let me take that off your hands! IDS_HEADER_BOMBS BOMBOJ IDS_HEADER_ROPES ŜNUROJ IDS_HEADER_MONEY MONO IDS_CONTROLS_PICKUP Premadu @L and dume premu @S por preni objektojn kaj homojn. IDS_WARNING_UNSAVED Ĉu vi certas? Ĉiom de la nekonservita progreso estos perdita. IDS_WARNING_NOTSAVED Ĉu vi certas? Poentsumoj ne konserviĝos. IDS_ERROR_CORRUPTDLC !!The DLC could not be loaded and may be corrupt. Please redownload it from the Xbox LIVE Marketplace. IDS_ERROR_WRITING !!There was an error writing to the leaderboards. Try again? IDS_ERROR_NEWSTORAGE !!The storage device has been removed. Would you like to select a new storage device? IDS_ERROR_CORRUPTSAVE !!The save file appears to be damaged and cannot be loaded. Would you like to overwrite it with a new save file? IDS_ERROR_BADSTORAGE !!The storage device appears to be damaged and cannot be accessed. Would you like to select another storage device? IDS_ERROR_NOTSAVED !!Your game will not be saved. IDS_ERROR_CANTSAVED !!The game was unable to save. Would you like to select a different storage device? IDS_ERROR_FULLDEVICE !!The destination device is full. Would you like to select a different storage device? IDS_GUIDE_YES @A Jes IDS_GUIDE_NO @B Ne IDS_GUIDE_OK @A Bone IDS_GUIDE_CONNECT @A Konekti al Xbox LIVE IDS_GUIDE_NOSAVE @B Daŭrigi sen konservi poentsumon IDS_SHORTCUT_BOMBS !!I was digging a shortcut, but a large boulder is blocking my path. IDS_SHORTCUT_BOMB1 !!Can you give me a bomb so I can blow it up? IDS_SHORTCUT_BOMB2 !!Can you give me two bombs so I can blow it up? IDS_SHORTCUT_BOMB3 !!Can you give me three bombs so I can blow it up? IDS_SHORTCUT_ROPES !!I was digging a shortcut, but a deep pit is in my way. IDS_SHORTCUT_ROPE1 !!Can you give me a rope so I can descend safely? IDS_SHORTCUT_ROPE2 !!Can you give me two ropes so I can descend safely? IDS_SHORTCUT_ROPE3 !!Can you give me three ropes so I can descend safely? IDS_SHORTCUT_MONEY1 !!I was digging a shortcut, but some of my equipment broke. IDS_SHORTCUT_MONEY2 !!Can you give me $10000 to replace it? IDS_SHORTCUT_FAIL !!Unfortunately, it doesn't look like you have enough! Maybe next time! IDS_SHORTCUT_SHOTGUN_NEXT1 !!Next time you see me, can you bring me a shotgun? IDS_SHORTCUT_SHOTGUN_NEXT2 !!I'll need something to protect myself from the monsters down here. IDS_SHORTCUT_SHOTGUN I was digging a shortcut, but there are a lot of monsters down there. IDS_SHORTCUT_SHOTGUN_HAVE I see you brought a shotgun! Can I have it? IDS_SHORTCUT_KEY_NEXT1 Next time you see me, can you bring me the gold key from the Mines? IDS_SHORTCUT_KEY_NEXT2 I'll need it to get into a locked chamber that's coming up. IDS_SHORTCUT_KEY I was digging a shortcut, but I reached a locked door. IDS_SHORTCUT_KEY_HAVE That key you're holding looks like it might fit! Can I have it? IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_YAMA My soul was judged unworthy by the King of the Underworld. IDS_GUIDE_QUICKRESTART @X Reekludi nun IDS_GUIDE_SELECT @A Select IDS_GUIDE_DONATE @A Donate IDS_GUIDE_CANCEL @B Cancel IDS_CREDITS_DESIGNDIRECTOR Design Director IDS_CREDITS_DIRECTORXBLA Director, MGS XBLA Publishing IDS_CREDITS_BIZDEV Business Development IDS_CREDITS_PORTFOLIODIRECTOR Portfolio Director IDS_CREDITS_PRODUCTMANAGER Product Manager IDS_CREDITS_COMMUNITYMANAGER Community Manager IDS_CREDITS_EXPERISTTESTLEADS Experis Test Leads IDS_CREDITS_EXPERISSOFTTEST Experis Software Test Engineer IDS_CREDITS_EXPERISSOFTDEV Experis Software Developer Engineer in Test IDS_CREDITS_EXPERISTESTASSOC Experis Test Associates IDS_GAMEOVER_SACRIFICED Sacrificed IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_SACRIFICED I offered myself to the Black Goddess. IDS_GAMEOVER_OLDAGE Old Age IDS_GAMEOVER_UNKNOWN Unknown IDS_TRIAL_VERSION TRIAL VERSION IDS_ARENA_DLC_1_1 The Island IDS_ARENA_DLC_1_2 Juicer IDS_ARENA_DLC_1_3 Fragments IDS_ARENA_DLC_1_4 Hotel IDS_ARENA_DLC_1_5 Heliopolis IDS_ARENA_DLC_1_6 Area 52 IDS_ARENA_DLC_1_7 Primed IDS_ARENA_DLC_1_8 Mastodon IDS_ARENA_DLC_2_1 Danger Room IDS_ARENA_DLC_2_2 Pitfalls IDS_ARENA_DLC_2_3 The Vault IDS_ARENA_DLC_2_4 Abcess IDS_ARENA_DLC_2_5 Joust IDS_ARENA_DLC_2_6 Dead Simple IDS_ARENA_DLC_2_7 Get On Up IDS_ARENA_DLC_2_8 Jetpacks IDS_ARENA_DLC_3_1 Frozen Paradise IDS_ARENA_DLC_3_2 The Dig IDS_ARENA_DLC_3_3 Cook Out IDS_ARENA_DLC_3_4 Compactor IDS_ARENA_DLC_3_5 Step Softly IDS_ARENA_DLC_3_6 Buzzing IDS_ARENA_DLC_3_7 Temple of Kali IDS_ARENA_DLC_3_8 Enlightenment IDS_PAUSED_ENDADVENTURE End Adventure IDS_GAMEOVER_KILLEDBY Killed by: IDS_GUIDE_UNLOCKFULL @A Unlock Full Game IDS_GUIDE_GAMERCARD @A Gamer Card IDS_ERROR_TRIALACHIEVEMENT You have earned an Achievement! Upgrade to the full version now to unlock it. IDS_ERROR_FAILTOSIGNIN You must be signed into a gamer profile to play Spelunky. IDS_MAINMENU_DOWNLOADCONTENT Download Content IDS_SIGN_CONSTRUCTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION!*Future site of the Shortcut Station! Meet me at the end of the Mines if you want to help!*-Tunnel Man IDS_SHORTCUT_HINT My shortcuts will get you where you want to go, but if you use one your Fastest Times won't get ranked on the Leaderboards... sorry! IDS_SHORTCUT_HINT2 Hey, why are you hitting me? I'm trying to help you out here! IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_FRIEND At least I made a friend! IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_COG It's the most exquisite tomb in the whole world... IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_YANG Yang was right... the layout of the caves is changing all the time! IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_TOUGH This is really hard, but I can't give up! IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_FAR Alright! That was the farthest I've ever gotten! IDS_GAMEOVERDESC_BREAK Whew, I could use a break... IDS_LEADERBOARDS_SHORTCUTS Beat the game without using shortcuts first. IDS_TRIALNAG1B Thanks for playing Spelunky! We hope you had fun! IDS_TRIALNAG2B This is only the trial version of the game... get the full version now and test your skills! IDS_ERROR_ACHIEVEMENT_FAIL The game failed to write to your gamer profile. An Achievement could not be saved. Try again? IDS_PAUSED PAUSED IDS_LEADERBOARDS_TIME TIME IDS_WARNING_AUTOSAVING This game features autosaving. When you see this icon, do not turn off the console or remove any storage devices. IDS_GAMEOVER_SHOT Shot IDS_GAMEOVER_POISONED Poisoned IDS_CREDITS_WITHHELPFROM With Help From IDS_SHOPMSG_THANKSWRAP Thanks! I wrapped it up nice for you! IDS_SAVEGAMENAME Spelunky Save Game IDS_UNLOCKINFULL Unlock in Full Version IDS_JUNGLE JUNGLE IDS_LEVEL_2_1B JUNGLE 2-1 IDS_LEVEL_2_2B JUNGLE 2-2 IDS_LEVEL_2_3B JUNGLE 2-3 IDS_LEVEL_2_4B JUNGLE 2-4 IDS_JOURNAL_JUNGLE Jungle IDS_BUY_ITEM_MYSTERYBOX Buy Mystery Box IDS_LEVEL_OLMEC OLMEC'S LAIR IDS_COMPLETED_OLMEC LAIR COMPLETED! IDS_LEVEL_YAMA YAMA'S THRONE IDS_PAUSED_ENDDEATHMATCH End Deathmatch IDS_WARNING_DEATHMATCHBOTS Deathmatch without bots requires at least two players to begin. IDS_ERROR_AVASSET_FAIL The game failed to write to your gamer profile. An Avatar Award could not be saved. Try again? IDS_ERROR_TRIALAVASSET You have earned an Avatar Award! Upgrade to the full version now to unlock it. IDS_WARNING_SAVEOVERWRITE Do you really want to overwrite your saved game? Your previous save will be lost! IDS_PLAYERPROFILE_SPECIALWINS Special Wins: IDS_ERROR_RESET_SAVE This will reset your save game file, including all statistics and unlocked shortcuts, journal entries, and characters. Do you really want to do this? IDS_ERROR_RESET_SAVE_2 Are you really sure? This is your final warning... IDS_USER_DETAILS @A User Details IDS_SCORE_DETAILS @A Score Details IDS_ERROR_LB_READFAIL The leaderboard could not be read. IDS_PREV_DAILY Previous Daily IDS_NEXT_DAILY Next Daily IDS_BUT_PREV_DAILY @< Previous Daily IDS_BUT_NEXT_DAILY @> Next Daily IDS_TOP_TEN_DAILY 's Top Ten Daily Scores IDS_FINDING_LEADERBOARD FINDING LEADERBOARD... IDS_DAILY_ALLTIME DAILY ALL-TIME IDS_AVG_OF_DAILY (Average of Top Ten Daily Scores) IDS_ANY_KEY Press Any Key IDS_KEY_ACTION WHIP/ACTION: IDS_KEY_JUMP JUMP: IDS_KEY_BOMB BOMB: IDS_KEY_ROPE ROPE: IDS_KEY_RUN RUN: IDS_KEY_SPECIAL PURCHASE/DOOR: IDS_KEY_UP UP: IDS_KEY_DOWN DOWN: IDS_KEY_LEFT LEFT: IDS_KEY_RIGHT RIGHT: IDS_KEY_PAUSE PAUSE: IDS_KEY_JOURNAL JOURNAL: IDS_RESET_SAVE @X Reset Save Game IDS_DEATHMATCH_GHOSTS Ghosts IDS_DEATHMATCH_TARGETS Targets IDS_DEATHMATCH_CUSTOM_CRATES @X Customize Crate Items IDS_DEATHMATCH_TOGGLE_ITEM @A Toggle Item IDS_DEATHMATCH_TOGGLE_ALL @X Toggle All Items IDS_DEATHMATCH_RETURN_OPTIONS @B Return to Options IDS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGE Language IDS_SETTINGS_WINDOWED Windowed IDS_SETTINGS_FULLSCREEN Fullscreen IDS_SETTINGS_TITLE_RESOLUTION RESOLUTION IDS_HNO_RESOLUTION Resolution IDS_MAINMENU_DAILY_CHALLENGE Daily Challenge IDS_MAINMENU_DAILYDESC Compete against other online explorers in today's adventure. You've only got one shot! IDS_MAINMENU_DAILYCHECKING Checking for existing daily score. Please wait. IDS_MAINMENU_DAILYLOCKED You have already played today's challenge. Try again tomorrow! IDS_GUIDE_REMAP_KEYS @A Remap Keys IDS_GUIDE_DEFAULT_KEYS @X Default Keys IDS_ARENA_X1 OLD BITEY IDS_ARENA_X2 YETI KING IDS_ARENA_X3 ALIEN QUEEN IDS_BUY_CARL Bother Carl IDS_ARENAS_UNLOCKED Deathmatch Arenas Unlocked IDS_GAMEOVER_VIEW_LEADERBOARD @A View Leaderboard IDS_LEADERBOARDS_PLAYER PLAYER IDS_CHARSELECT_P1 Player 1 IDS_CHARSELECT_P2 Player 2 IDS_CHARSELECT_P3 Player 3 IDS_CHARSELECT_P4 Player 4 IDS_GRAPHICS GRAPHICS IDS_HNO_GRAPHICS Graphics IDS_APPLY_SCREEN Apply Screen Settings IDS_FULLSCREEN_FX Fullscreen Effects IDS_DYNAMIC_SHADOWS Dynamic Shadows IDS_UPDATED Updated IDS_HIGH HIGH IDS_LOW LOW IDS_QUICKSTART @X Ekludi nun IDS_REMAP_INVERT_RUN_OFF Invert Run: OFF IDS_REMAP_INVERT_RUN_ON Invert Run: ON IDS_KEY_RUN_INVERT_OFF Invert: OFF IDS_KEY_RUN_INVERT_ON Invert: ON IDS_HUD_STYLE HUD Style IDS_HUD_STANDARD STANDARD IDS_HUD_PRO PRO