Handbook 101 : Viki-EO


Introduction: Before you start

  • Welcome to Wikipedia, free encyclopedia for everyone.
  • To everyone who needs help or who has the question, ask freely or discuss with other users. They will help you with pleasure.
  • Because Esperanto Wikipedia is the internet encyclopedia for Esperanto language, adequate language skill is required; However, as a newcomer, you may need quite few time for adaptation. But don't be afraid of errors and feedback.
  • Esperanto Wikipedia has the "administranto" and "patrolanto", limited revision policy; That means your revision won't automatically confirmed like other language Wikipedia. But that does not mean you can't edit Wikipeida freely;

General Form

(Introduction) ::: Head of Article

(Text or Image, some table;)

(Text or Image, some table;)
(See also (Vidu ankaŭ))
(External Links)

(Category) ::: End of Article
  • = (Name) = : Leve 1 Title.
  • == (Name) == : Leve 2 Title. (Usually used for first-level header.)
  • === (Name) === : Leve 3 Title.
  • ==== (Name) ==== : Leve 4 Title.
  • ===== (Name) ===== : Leve 5 Title.
  • Usual grammar is same as other Wikipedia.
  • When you want to use some classifications:
  • Level 1
    • Level 2
      • Level 3
        • Level 4
          • Level 5
  • Related article: Help: Images (eo)
  • [[Dosiero:(Image file)]] : Basic image setting
    • ex) [[Dosiero:Wikipedia-logo-v2-eo.png]] :


  • [[Dosiero:(Image file)|(size)px]] : Image with designated size (pixel)
    • ex) [[Dosiero:Wikipedia-logo-v2-eo.png|100px]] :


  • [[Dosiero:(Image file)|eta|(size)px]] : Image in caption with designated size (pixel)
    • ex) [[Dosiero:Wikipedia-logo-v2-eo.png|eta|100px]] :
  • [[Dosiero:(Image file)|eta|(size)px|(description)]] : Image in caption with designated size (pixel), with description
    • ex) [[Dosiero:Wikipedia-logo-v2-eo.png|eta|100px|4. logo]] :
4. logo
  • [[Dosiero:(Image file)|eta|(maldekstra/centra/dekstra)|(size)px|(description)]] : Image in caption with designated size (pixel) and location, with description
    • Maldekstra : Left / Centra : Center /Dekstra : Right
    • ex) [[Dosiero:Wikipedia-logo-v2-eo.png|eta|centra|100px|5. logo]] :
5. logo
  • Related article: Help: Tables (eo)
  • Basic form of table is consisted as following example:
! Header 1
! Header 2
! Header 3
| row 1, cell 1
| row 1, cell 2
| row 1, cell 3
| row 2, cell 1
| row 2, cell 2
| row 2, cell 3
  • Now, let's see how it works:
Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2 row 1, cell 3
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3
Array (Left/Center/Right)
  • Code: align = left/center/right : Location of text.
[Only align]
! align=left | Header 1
! align=center | Header 2
! align=right | Header 3
| align=left | row 1, cell 1
| align=center | row 1, cell 2
| align=right | row 1, cell 3
| align=left | row 2, cell 1
| align=center | row 2, cell 2
| align=right | row 2, cell 3

[With other styles]
! align=left style="width: 100px;" | Header 1
! align=center style="width: 150px;" | Header 2
! align=right style="width: 200px;" | Header 3
| align=left style="width: 100px;" | row 1, cell 1
| align=center style="width: 150px;" | row 1, cell 2
| align=right style="width: 200px;" | row 1, cell 3
| align=left style="width: 100px;" | row 2, cell 1
| align=center style="width: 150px;" | row 2, cell 2
| align=right style="width: 200px;" | row 2, cell 3
Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2 row 1, cell 3
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3
Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2 row 1, cell 3
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3
  • Code: style="width: (size)px" : Array the size of one cell.
! style="width: 100px;" | Header 1
! style="width: 150px;" | Header 2
! style="width: 200px;" | Header 3
| style="width: 100px;" | row 1, cell 1
| style="width: 150px;" | row 1, cell 2
| style="width: 200px;" | row 1, cell 3
| style="width: 100px;" | row 2, cell 1
| style="width: 150px;" | row 2, cell 2
| style="width: 200px;" | row 2, cell 3
Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2 row 1, cell 3
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3
  • Related article: Font Family (HTML)
  • Code: style="font-family: (font name); font-size:(size)pt; font-style:(italic/bold)" : Array the size of one cell.
! style="font-family: times, serif; font-size:14pt; font-style:italic" | Header 1
! style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica; font-size:12pt; font-style:bold" | Header 2
! style="font-family: Courier,New; font-size:17pt; font-style:normal" | Header 3
| style="width: 100px;" | row 1, cell 1
| style="width: 150px;" | row 1, cell 2
| style="width: 200px;" | row 1, cell 3
| style="width: 100px;" | row 2, cell 1
| style="width: 150px;" | row 2, cell 2
| style="width: 200px;" | row 2, cell 3
Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2 row 1, cell 3
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3
  • You can adapt some design class(=class) for your table. Here are few examples:
  • class="wikitable" : Most basic table form.
{| class="wikitable"
! Header 1
! Header 2
! Header 3
| row 1, cell 1
| row 1, cell 2
| row 1, cell 3
| row 2, cell 1
| row 2, cell 2
| row 2, cell 3
Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2 row 1, cell 3
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3
  • class="wikitable sortable" : Usually used for statistic data.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Header 1
! Header 2
! Header 3
| row 1, cell 1
| row 1, cell 2
| row 1, cell 3
| row 2, cell 1
| row 2, cell 2
| row 2, cell 3
Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2 row 1, cell 3
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3
  • Related Article: Help: References and notes (eo)
  • <ref group= "noto">[(site URL) (site description)](description)</ref> : basic note.
    • ex) <ref group= "noto">[https://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vikipedio:Ĉefpaĝo Esperanto Vikipedio.] Tio estas Vikipedio.</ref> : [noto 1]
    • To show your reference correctly, you must add the reference codes:
== Notoj ==



  • Related Article: Help: References and notes (eo)
  • <ref>[(site URL) (site description)](description)</ref> : basic reference.
    • ex) <ref>[https://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vikipedio:Ĉefpaĝo Esperanto Vikipedio.] Tio estas Vikipedio.</ref> : [1]
    • To show your reference correctly, you must add the reference codes:
== Referencoj ==

  • [(site URL) (site description)](description) : External Link
    • ex) [https://www.google.com Google] Retpaĝo : Google Retpaĝo


  • Related Article: Help: Category (eo)
  • [[Kategorio: (category name)|(title in category)]] : Category Name
    • ex) [[Kategorio: Vikipedio|Handbook]]


  • Related Article: Help: How to discuss (eo)
  • {{re|(username)|montri=jes}} : Reply call (show)
  • {{re|(username)|montri=ne}} : Reply call (not show)
  • ------- : Line
  • ~~~~ : Signature


  • #ALIDIREKTI : Redirect (Used for creating redirect page)
    • ex) #ALIDIREKTI [[Vikipedio]] : #ALIDIREKTI Vikipedio

Esperanto 101

  • -a: adjective ending.
    • ex) Vero (Truth + -a = Truth's(True))
  • -e: adverb ending (= -ly)
    • ex) Vere (True + -ly = Truly)
  • -i: verb ending.
    • ex) Fari (Do)
  • -o: noun ending.
    • ex) Vikipedio (Wikipedia)

  • -is: past tense.
    • ex) Vidis (Wrote)
  • -as: present tense.
    • ex) Venkas (Writing)
  • -os: future tense.
    • ex) Skribos (Will write)

  • -ado: Refer to action. (Similar to -ing)
    • ex) Flugado (Fly(Flugo) + -ing = Flying), Pafado (Shoot(Pafo) + -ing = Shooting), Komunkiado (Communication(Komuniko) + -ing = Communicating)
  • -aĵo: Thing. (Similar to -ion)
    • ex) Teknikaĵo (Technical + thing = Specification). Novaĵo (New + thing = News)
  • -eco: Character. (Similar to - ity)
    • ex) Stabileco (Stabile + character = Stability). Neseceso (Necessary + character = Necessity).
  • -ejo: Place. (for something)
    • ex) Pregejo (Pray + place = Temple), Povejo (Power + place = Powerplant), Provejo (Try + place = Proving ground), Kafejo (Coffee + place = Cafe)
  • -ilo: Functionary object for some function.
    • ex) Komputilo (Compute + thing = Computer), Aviadilo (Aviation + thing = Airplane)

Technical abbreviations

  1. Esperanto Vikipedio. Tio estas Vikipedio.


  1. Esperanto Vikipedio. Tio estas Vikipedio.