

Kun ĝia malneta enlanda produkto da 478.7 miliardo da eŭroj, la pariza regiono estas motoro de la monda ekonomio. Se ĝi estus lando, ĝi estus la dek sesa plej riĉa lando el la mondo. Pariza regiono do estas la plej grava ekonomia centro el la Francio: kvankam ĝia landanaro reprezentas 18.7% da la franca landanaro, la pariza regiono produktas 28.5 % da MEP de la Francio, en 2005.

La ekonomiaj agadoj en Parizo ne estas tiel fakata kiel Londono kun la financoj. Sed, dum la lastaj jardeko, la pariza ekonomio turnis sin al servo kies adiciita valoro estas grava kaj al la novaj teknologioj.



The Paris Region's most intense economic activity through the central Hauts-de-Seine département and suburban La Défense business district places Paris' economic centre to the west of the city, in a triangle between the Opéra Garnier, La Défense and the Val de Seine. Paris' administrative borders have little consequences on the limits of its economic activity: although most workers commute from the suburbs to work in the city, many commute from the city to work in the suburbs. At the 1999 census, 47.5% of the 5,089,170 people in employment in the Paris metropolitan area (including commuter belt) worked in the city of Paris and the Hauts-de-Seine département, while only 31.5% worked exclusively in Paris[mankas fonto](Bonvolu krei Kategorio:Artikoloj kun senfontaj asertoj ekde january 2007!).



Although the Paris economy is largely dominated by services, it remains an important manufacturing powerhouse of Europe, especially in industrial sectors such as automobiles, aeronautics, and electronics. Over recent decades, the local economy has moved towards high value-added activities, in particular business services.

The 1999 census indicated that of the 5,089,170 persons employed in the Paris metropolitan area, 16.5% worked in business services, 13.0% in commerce (retail and wholesale trade), 12.3% in manufacturing, 10.0% in public administrations and defense, 8.7% in health services, 8.2% in transportation and communications, 6.6% in education, and the remaining 24.7% in many other economic sectors. Among the manufacturing sector, the largest employers were the electronic and electrical industry (17.9% of the total manufacturing workforce in 1999) and the publishing and printing industry (14.0% of the total manufacturing workforce), with the remaining 68.1% of the manufacturing workforce distributed among many other industries. The tourism industry and tourist related services employ 3.6% of the total workforce of the Paris Region (in 1999), and 6.2% of the total workforce of the city of Paris.[1]

  1. Ŝablono:Fr icon . "Les emplois dans les activités liées au tourisme: un sur quatre en Ile-de-France" (PDF). Alirita 2006-04-10.