Interkonsento pri Biologia Diverseco: Malsamoj inter versioj

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Linio 66:
* [ Interkonsento pri Biodiverseco ( CBD )] {{ar}} {{en}} {{es}} {{fr}}
* [ Teksto de la Interkonsento.] {{ar}} {{en}} {{es}} {{fr}} {{ru}} ĉine
* [ Landaj profiloj ( CBD )] {{en}} {{es}} {{fr}}
* [ La Biosekureco Klariganta-Domo], "informo-interŝanĝo-mekanismo" starigita de la Kartagena Protokolo sub Interkonsento pri Biologia Diverseco ( CBD ) {{en}}
* [ Global Biodiversity Outlook 2] a publication of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Reviews trends in biodiversity loss and responses developed under the Convention.
* [ COHAB Initiative] Biodiversity, the CBD and the Millennium Development Goals
* [ 'Terminator' seed technology and the Convention on Biological Diversity - Kootenay Co-op Radio's Deconstructing Dinner]